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ATMA 2022 Latest News: Score Card

Saurav Anand | March 15, 2022

ATMA 2022 Score Card

Candidates can download the Score Card after Result Declaration. ATMA scorecard contains the details such as the candidate’s name, address, roll number, test date (date/month/year), etc. As well as the scaled and percentile scores in Quantitative skills, Verbal skills, Analytical Reasoning, and the 800 scaled score, it also provides the overall percentile and the scaled score for Quantitative skills. Scores provide a method of evaluating a candidate's performance on each section of the examination. As a result of the ATMA scorecard, the various institutions will shortlist candidates for admission based on their scores. Official Website ATMA 2022 Latest News: Score Card Helpline 040-23417876, 48544057 Support Email: