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Computer Engineering Courses Details

Saurav Anand | March 28, 2022

Computer Engineering Course

India produces the most number of young, talented Engineers every year. Engineering is a  stream of education which involves the application of Science, Technology and Mathematics. Inclusion of these into the curriculum is done to innovate, design, develop and maintain machines, structures, software, hardware and systems & processes. The field of Engineering provides a variety of career opportunities across all industries. The duration of all engineering courses in India are of 4 academic years. Engineering is the most opted course by students, especially of Science stream after 12th. The bachelors degree of Engineering is called B.Tech.

Computer Engineering Course

Computer Engineering Course Details

What is Computer Engineering Course all about ?

Computer Engineering is a branch of Engineering which is an amalgamation of electrical engineering and computer science that creates a new computer hardware and software. It is mainly concerned with computer architecture and function, and also the physical components of computers system. Computer Engineering is involved in both hardware and software development. 

Computer Engineers in the software section deal with computer programming, smartphone applications, and software development. And in the hardware section, they deal with designing and maintaining physical products.

Computer Engineering Course Years

Computer Engineering course how many years ?

There are two degrees available in Computer Engineering – B.Tech&M.Tech. Computer Engineering course duration for B.Techis 4 years, and Computer Engineering course duration for M.Tech is 2 years. 

Computer Engineering Course Eligibility

Computer Engineering Course Requirements


  • Minimum aggregate of 75% in 12th along with Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English as core subjects to colleges which accept admission thorughJEE Mains. And in case of other colleges, where other entrance tests are accpeted, the minimum aggregate score in 12th required is 50-65%.

M.Tech –

  • Minimum aggregate of 55% (for reserved categories) in Bachelor’s Degree. Admission is done through merit based entrance exams.

Computer Engineering Course Fees


The average course fees of Computer Engineering Course for B.Tech / BE usually ranges from Rs. 50,000 – Rs. 30 Lakhs depending on the college.


The average course fees of Computer Engineering Course for M.Tech usually ranges from Rs. 67,000 to Rs. 3.5 Lacs depending on the college.

Computer Engineering Course Salary


The course salary of Computer Engineering Course for B.Tech / BE usually ranges from Rs. 3 Lakhs –Rs. 10 Lakhs.


The course salary of Computer Engineering Course for M.Tech usually ranges from Rs. 67,000 to Rs. 3.5 Lacs.

Computer Engineering Courses List

Computer Engineering Courses After 12th –

B.Tech –

  • Engineering Physics
  • Engineering Chemistry
  • Computer Graphics and Visualisation
  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Analysis of Algorithms Laboratory
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Theory Database Applications
  • Advanced Computer Architecture
  • Computer Networking
  • Linux and X- Windows Programming
  • Multimedia Technology
  • Computing Data Warehousing and Data Mining
  • Software Operating Systems
  • Computer Programming C Language
  • Electronic Circuits
  • Data Structures with C

M.Tech –

  • Operating System Design
  • Performance Evaluation of Computer System and Networks
  • Agent-Based Intelligent Systems
  • Software Engineering Methodologies
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Web Technology
  • Internet Programming and Tools
  • Computer Architecture
  • Network Security
  • Computer Networks Engineering and Management
  • Theory of Computation
  • Mobile Computing
  • Advanced Web Design
  • Soft Computing
  • Mathematical Structures of Computer Science
  • eCommerce Technology
  • Pattern Recognition
  • ASIC Design

Computer Engineering Course in Diploma

Computer Engineering Course in Polytechnic

  • Engineering Physics
  • Digital Electronics
  • Computer Programming
  • Web Designing
  • Basic Electronics
  • Mathematics
  • Database Management System
  • Microprocessor and Assembly
  • Computer Application
  • Web Development Tools
  • C++ Programming
  • Operating Systems
  • Software Development
  • Language Programming
  • Data Structure
  • Computer Networks
  • Java Programming
  • Net Programming

Computer Engineering Course Subjects

Computer Engineering Course Subjects 1stYear : B.TECH / BE

Engineering MechanicsEngineering Physics
Engineering ChemistryElectronic Engineering
Basic Electrical EngineeringEngineering Drawing
Energy and the EnvironmentEngineering Mathematics II
Engineering Mathematics IComputer Programming II
Computer Programming ICommunication Skills

Computer Engineering Course Subjects 1stYear :M.TECH

Data Structure and AlgorithmDatabase technology
Computer ArchitectureOperating System design
Software Engineering MethodologiesAdvanced system software
Computer Networks and ManagementInternet programming and tools
Mathematical StructuresNetwork Security

Computer Engineering Course Philippines

  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Computer Engineering as a Discipline
  • Fundamentals of Mixed Signals and Sensors
  • Computer Engineering Drafting and Design
  • Programming Logic and Design
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Software Design
  • Microprocessors
  • Logic Circuits and Design
  • Data Communications
  • Operating Systems
  • Methods of Research

Computer Engineering Course in Canada

Computer Engineering Course in Canada is offered by some of the top universities of Canada, namely – 

  • University of Toronto
  • The University of British Columbia
  • MCgill University
  • University of Ottawa
  • University of Montreal

Uottawa Computer Engineering Courses Quene

CHM 1311 | Principles of ChemistryITI 1100 | Digital Systems I
GNG 1105 | Engineering MechanicsITI 1121 | Introduction to Computing II
ITI 1120 | Introduction to Computing IMAT 1322 | Calculus II
MAT 1320 | Calculus IMAT 1348 | Discrete Mathematics for Computing
MAT 1341 | Introduction to Linear AlgebraPHY 1124 | Fundamentals of Physics for Engineers

2nd Year –

CEG 2136 | Computer Architecture IELG 2136 | Electronics I
CSI 2110 | Data Structures and AlgorithmsELG 2911 | Professional Practice in Information Technology and Engineering
ELG 2138 | Circuit Theory IMAT 2377 | Probability and Statistics for Engineers
MAT 2322 | Calculus III for EngineersPHY 2323 | Electricity and Magnetism
ENG 1112 | Technical Report WritingSEG 2106 | Software Construction
SEG 2105 | Introduction to Software EngineeringComplementary elective

3rd Year –

CEG 3136 | Computer Architecture IIMAT 2384 | Ordinary Differential Equations and Numerical Methods
CEG 3155 | Digital Systems IICEG 3156 | Computer Systems Design
ELG 3125 | Signal and System AnalysisCEG 3185 | Introduction to Data Communications and Networking
ECO 11921 | Engineering EconomicsOR GNG 21011 | Introduction to Product Development and Management for Engineers and Computer ScientistsCSI 3131 | Operating Systems
HIS 2129* | Technology, Society and Environment since 1800OR PHI 2394* | Scientific Thought and Social ValuesELG 3155 | Introduction to Control Systems
-HIS 2129* | Technology, Society and Environment since 1800OR PHI 2394* | Scientific Thought and Social Values
-Complementary elective

4th Year –

CEG 4136 | Computer Architecture IIICEG 4166 | Real-Time Systems Design
CEG 4912 | Computer Engineering Design:Project ICEG 4913 | Computer Engineering Design: Project II
Science electiveComplementary elective
2 Technical electives2 Technical electives

Computer Engineering Course in Nigeria

Computer Engineering Course in Nigeria is offered by some of the top universities of Nigeria, namely – 

  • Afe Babalola University.
  • Bayero University.
  • Bells University Of Technology.
  • Caritas University.
  • Covenant University.

FUTA Cut Off Mark for Computer Engineering Course

The full form of FUTA is Federal University of Technology Akure. It was founded in 1981 by the government of Nigeria to produce graduates with substantial knowledge of both practical and theoretical knowledge of technology. 

FUTA cut off mark for Computer Engineering course for 2021-2022 session was 180. For the session of 2022-2023, the FUTA cut off mark for Computer Engineering course is 180.

UIUC Computer Engineering Course Map

1st Year –

ECE 120 (4)
Introduction to Computing
ECE 110 (3)
Introduction to Electronics
ENG 100 (0)
Engineering Orientation
ECE 220 (4)
Computer Systems & Programming
MATH 221 (4)
Calculus I
MATH 231 (3)
Calculus II
RHET 105 (4)
Writing and Research
PHYS 211 (4)
University Physics : Mechanics
GEE (3)
General Education Elective
GEE (3)
General Education Elective

2nd Year –

CS 173 (3)
Discrete Structures
CS 225 (4)
Data Structures
MATH 241 (4)
Calculus III
ECE 210 (4)
Analog Signal Processing
MATH 257 (3)
Linear Algebra w Computat Appl
MATH 285 (3)
Intro Differential Equations
PHYS 212 (4)
University Physics: Elec & Mag
PHYS 213 (2)
Univ Physics: Thermal Physics
GEE (3)
General Education Elective
PHYS 214 (2)
Univ Physics: Quantum Physics

3rd Year –

ECE 313 (3)
Probability with EngrgApplic
ECE 391 (4)
Computer Systems Engineering
ECE 385 (3)
Digital Systems Laboratory
CompE-TE (3)
CompE Technical Elective
CompE-TE (3)
CompE Technical Elective
CompE-TE (4)
CompE Technical Elective
FE (3)
Free Elective
FE (3)
Free Elective
GEE (3)
General Education Elective
GEE (3)
General Education Elective

4th Year –

ECE 374 (4)
Intro to Algs& Models of Comp
ECE 411 (4)
Computer Organization & Design
CompE-TE (3)
CompE Technical Elective
CompE-TE (3)
CompE Technical Elective
CompE-TE (3)
CompE Technical Elective
CompE-TE (3)
CompE Technical Elective
FE (3)
Free Elective
CompE-TE (3)
CompE Technical Elective
GEE (3)
General Education Elective
FE (3)
Free Elective

Computer Engineering Course Online

Computer Engineering Course Online deals on research, design, build, test, install, audit and administer the computer systems that businesses use to meet their strategic goals. An online courses of Computer Engineering essentially focuses on basic subjects that provide foundations in both computer science and engineering.

Computer Engineering Course Online curriculum generally includes – algorithms, chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics and science. Apart from the basics, the Computer Engineering Course Online also includes – study of circuits, computer design, testing, and programming.  In order to provide a keener understanding of critical elements of study, courses examine key concepts from the viewpoints of both hardware and software. In the course, students are also taught how to – program, network, code and design programs.

Job roles / positions opted by and available to Computer Engineers are –

  • Computer and Information Systems Manager
  • Architectural and Engineering Manager
  • Computer Hardware Engineer
  • Computer Network Architect
  • Software Developer
  • Electrical or Electronics Engineer
  • Database Administrator
  • Computer Systems Analyst
  • Computer Programmer
  • Network and Computer Systems Administrator

Computer Engineering Course Onlinesubjects are –

  • Calculus
  • Physics
  • Applied Algorithms for Engineering
  • Computer Organization or Computer Architecture
  • Digital-Logic Design
  • Programming Languages
  • Computer Networking
  • Systems Design
  • Introduction to Data Structures
  • Probability Theory in Computer and Electrical Engineering.

Frequently Asked Questions

Years of ExperienceAverage Annual Salary
Entry-Level (<1 year)$75,380
Early Career (1-4 years)$82,250
Mid Career (5-9 years)$94,600
Late Career (10-19 years)$114,130

Ques1. Which course is best for computer engineering?

Ans. Top 5 Computer Science Certification Courses That Are in Demand
1. Full Stack web development course. Full Stack web development course – Computer Science Certification Courses.
2. Python programming.
3. Artificial Intelligence course.
4. Data Science course.
5. Cyber Security Certification Course.

Ques 2. What is the highest paid engineer?

Ans. Top 10 Highest Paying Engineering Jobs of 2020
1. Big Data Engineer.
2. Petroleum Engineer.
3. Computer Hardware Engineer.
4. Aerospace Engineer.
5. Nuclear Engineer.
6. Systems Engineer.
7. Chemical Engineer.
8. Electrical Engineer.

Ques 3. Which is better IT or computer engineering?

Ans. Computer Science vs Computer Engineering – which one is better? There is no such thing as ‘better’ in this case. It depends on your career plans and whether you enjoy working more with hardware or software. They both lead to lucrative and secure jobs, so which one is better will always depend on your plans.

Ques 4. What do computer engineers do?

Ans. Computer engineers build devices, design computer networks and develop new technologies. They are focused on computer hardware and understanding how to optimize hardware for different applications through an understanding of how software interacts with hardware. The future of computer engineering is bright.

Ques 5. Is JEE compulsory for computer engineering?

Ans. No JEE Main is not compulsory to get admission in computer science engineering. JEE Main is one of the entrance exams for engineering in India. You can also appear for another entrance exam for admission to engineering.

Ques 6. How can I become a computer engineer after 12th?

Ans. There are, mainly, two ways to gain expertise in Software Engineering. First and foremost choices are pursuing courses like B Tech/ BSc Computer Science, BCA as well as other short-term courses like Diploma in Computer Science, Diploma in Computer Application and Diploma in Software Engineering, amongst others.

Ques 7. How can I become a computer engineer after 10th?

Ans. Join Diploma college/Polytechnic after 10th and get a Diploma in Computer Engineering. To be eligible for joining a Diploma in Computer Engineering course one should be 10th Class pass or appeared. To become a Computer Engineer one should be hardworking, arduous, disciplined, committed to excel and self-confident.

Ques 8. Is there mathematics in CSE?

Ans. Math is an essential component of computer science which underpins computing and programming concepts. Without it, you would find it challenging to make sense of abstract language, algorithms, data structures or differential equations.

Ques 9. What is the income of a computer engineer?

Ans. Average Computer Engineering Salary by Experience, 2021

Ques 10. Is Computer Science needed for IIT?

Ans. No, Computer Science is not necessary for IIT-JEE ! Computer Science (CS) is a branch that will get to choose on joining any college. IIT-JEE involves only three subjects – Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

Ques 11. Does a computer engineer code?

Ans. While computer engineers often work as programmers, most system level programs such as programming languages and operating systems are designed by computer scientists. However, computer engineers usually write the programs for computer-based systems such as those described in answer to question 1.