Exam JEE Main 2022 The first session's start date has been pushed back. Registration for the March session will begin soon. Exams will be conducted in March 2022 for the first session. JEE Main is a national level examination held every year by the NTA. Engineering aspirants across all of India take part in this engineering entrance test. Qualifying this exam allows candidates to enter top engineering colleges such as IITs, NITs, CFTIs, etc. Those who pass will get admission in B.Tech/B.E/ B.Arch/B.Plan programs. Due to the new changes, this exam is now administered four times a year - in March, April, May, and June. There will be separate exams for Paper 1 (B.Tech/B.E) and Paper 2 (B.Arch/B.Plan).
Candidates may see the probable JEE Main 2022 exam dates for all four sessions on this page. JEE Main 2022 will be conducted in four sessions, each in February, March, April, and May. JEE Mains 2022 dates include the publication of the application form, JEE Main admit card, JEE Main 2022 exam date, and result date, among other things. Aspirants must keep track of all JEE Main 2022-related activities so that they do not miss any essential events. Check out the table below for further information on the JEE Mains 2022Expected date.
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The syllabus for JEE Main 2022, as well as the official announcement, will be available at jeemain.nta.nic.in. The JEE Main 2022 syllabus pdf includes the subject-specific topics that will be included in the NTA JEE Main 2022 exam. Candidates can prepare their study schedule and JEE Main 2022 preparation method using the JEE Main 2022 syllabus. JEE Mains 2022 preparation is need for JEE Mains 2022 exam.
JEE Main 2022 eligibility criteria will comprise information such as educational qualification, age limit, nationality, marks acquired in class 12, obligatory courses, and so on. Before applying for the entrance test, candidates should know the JEE Main 2022 eligibility criteria. JEE Main 2022 will be held for admission to undergraduate programmes at JEE participating institutes. The date for JEE Mains 2022 will be announced soon on the official website. Candidates should read the article below for more information on JEE Main eligibility criteria 2022.
Before completing the JEE Main 2022 application form, students should review the JEE Main eligibility criteria 2022. Candidates who do not fulfil the JEE Main 2022 eligibility requirements will be disqualified at any level of the JEE Mains 2022 admission process. According to the JEE Main eligibility criteria from the previous year, admission to NITs and IIITs is no longer based on 75%. JEE Main 2022 eligibility criteria will be released along with the official notification at jeemain.nta.nic.in.
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A total of 44 individuals received a perfect score in the JEE Main results 2021, which were released late on September 14th. There were 9,39,008 candidates who took the test out of approximately 10.48 lakh students who enrolled to participate for JEE Main results 2021across all four sessions. All four sessions drew a total of 2,52,954 pupils. The August attempt received the most registrations, with 767700 individuals applying; nevertheless, the greatest number of students that appeared in the first session was 6.21 lakh.
As many as 18 students received rank one. A separate algorithm was used to generate the rank preparation list, which contains the results from all of the sessions. Students with the same score are ranked based on tie-breaking criteria. The age has been removed as a criterion from the same. Now, pupils with the lowest negatives will be evaluated first, followed by those with the highest positives in math, physics, and chemistry.
The Joint Entrance Examination, JEE (Main) includes two papers. Paper 1 (B.E/B.Tech.) at NITs, IIITs, different Centrally Funded Technical Institutions (CFTIs), Institutions/Universities funded/recognized with the aid of taking part State Governments. JEE (Main) is additionally an eligibility check for JEE (Advanced), which is carried out for admission to IITs. Paper two is performed for admission to B. Arch and B. Planning publications in the Country.The JEE (Main) – 2022 will be performed in two (two) periods for admissions in the educational session 2022-23. The candidates will as a consequence gain in the following ways:
This will provide two possibilities to the candidates to enhance their ratings in the examination if they are no longer capable to supply their high-quality in one attempt.
In the first attempt, the college students will get a first-hand trip of taking an examination and will understand their errors which they can enhance whilst trying for the 2d time.
This will limit the possibilities of losing a yr and droppers would no longer have to waste an complete year.If absolutely everyone ignored the examination due to motives past manipulate (such as the Board examination), then he/she will now not have to wait for one whole year.A candidate want now not show up in each Sessions. However, if a candidate seems in extra than one Session then his/her fantastic of the JEE (Main) – 2022 NTA Scores will be regarded for training of Merit List/ Ranking.
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JEE Main Phase II application registration ends June 30, 2022. Candidates can fill up the application form by today by entering all the correct information.
How many students appearing for jee mains 2022?
Every year around 11,00,000 students appear for JEE mains. This number varies every year but approximately these many people appear for this exam.
The Number of candidates registered and appeared for JEE (Main)-2021 B.E./B.Tech (Paper-1) in all the Four Sessions:-
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