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IIM Fees for MBA and Seats 2022

Saurav Anand | September 17, 2022

IIM Fees for MBA 2022

IIM fees for the MBA program ranges between Rs 10 lakh to 23 lakh for its finished course. The best three IIM fees for example Ahmedabad, Bangalore, and Calcutta are the most noteworthy which is Rs 23 lakh . In any case, the more current IIM MBA fees structure for MBA is under Rs 12 lakh.

Each MBA applicant dreams to begin his vocation in business and the board by learning at the Indian Institute of Management or IIMs. The admission in IIMs is conceded based on the Common Aptitude Test (CAT) which is a public level administration selection test, held one time per year.

Regardless of the way that IIMs offer credit offices, the raised IIM fees structure over the most recent couple of years has made up-and-comers reconsider deciding on MBA admission in these schools. Notwithstanding the IIM MBA fees structure, the quantity of seats in IIMs has likewise been bit by bit expanding. Allow us to check exhaustively about the fundamental parts of IIM fees 2022 and the seats presented by them.

IIM Fee Structure and Seats 2022

Feline clinchers who have been shortlisted by the more settled IIMs including IIM Ahmedabad, IIM BangaloreIIM CalcuttaIIM Lucknow, IIM Kozhikode, and IIM Indore, can expect a respectable ROI (Return on Investment) yet it may not be the comparable with the fresher IIMs .

IIM MBA Fees 2022: Any competitor keen on seeking after administration training from top IIMs in India pays special attention to two angles IIM fees and IIM seats. After the entry of the IIM Act, 2017, IIMs were granted independence for fee guidelines and seat admission. In mid-2022, about portion of the MBA fee of IIMs was expanded. The IIMs with critical fee increment incorporate old (Lucknow, Calcutta, and Bangalore), as well as the new IIMs (Jammu, Tiruchirappalli, Sirmaur, Nagpur, Udaipur, Rohtak).

IIM MBA fees incorporate housing and boarding as well as different costs.

The IIM fees structure 2022 incorporates the accompanying costs

  • Individual costs
  • Educational expense
  • Travel
  • Boarding
  • Wreck charges
  • Course material
  • Web
  • Library
  • Graduated class action
  • PC and PC
  • Incidental costs

IIM Fees for MBA

IIM MBA fees ranges between INR 13 and 23 lakh. MBA fees of the top three IIMs – Ahmedabad, Bangalore and Calcutta is highest at INR 23 lakh whereas MBA fees of the newer IIMs like Trichy and Sirmaur is between INR 13 to INR 16 lakh. The discrepancy in the fee structure of the old and the new IIMs is due to the fact that older IIMs do not take funds from the government for maintenance and other expenditure, while the new IIMs are financially supported by the government.

IIM Fees for MBA /PGP 2022-2023

Below is the list of MBA/PGP programme fees of each IIM. The amount mentioned here is course fee of full- time MBA/PGP{two years}. The fees may increase in the new academic session.

IIM AhmedabadINR 23.00 Lakh
IIM BangaloreINR 23.00 Lakh
IIM KolkataINR 23.00 Lakh
IIM LucknowINR 19.00 Lakh
IIM KozhikodeINR 20.50 Lakh
IIM RaipurINR 23.00 Lakh
IIM UdaipurINR 19.00 Lakh
IIM RohtakINR 16.10 Lakh
IIM VisakhapatnamINR 16.79 Lakh
IIM TrichyINR 19.00 Lakh
IIM SamabalpurINR 13.03 Lakh
IIM RanchiINR 15.00 Lakh
IIM BodhgayaINR 15.50 Lakh
IIM SirmaurINR 13.75 Lakh
IIM JammuINR 15.56 Lakh
IIM AmristarINR 16.00 Lakh
IIM ShillongINR 14.60 Lakh
IIM KashipurINR 15.42 Lakh
IIM NagpurINR 18.00Lakh
IIM IndoreINR 21.60Lakh

People Also Ask

Q. Are IIM funded by government?

Ans. While the oldest six among the 20 IIMs generate their own funds, the rest depend largely on the government. Started in 2009 -10 and 2010-11, these six IIMs were supposed to have 1,120 students each enrolled in their two year MBA courses within 10 years.

Q. How can I get seat in IIM?

Ans. There are three stages through which each IIM Admission Process is completed, these are:

1.Performance in CAT exam.

2.Shortlisting by IIMs for final selection round.

3.IIMs final selection process 2022 comprising PI&WAT. May be online or offline.

Q. IIM fees after clearing CAT?

Ans. IIM fees for the MBA program range from Rs.10 lakh to 23 lakh for its complete course. The top three IIM fees i.e. Ahmedabad, Bangalore and Calcutta are having the highest which is Rs. 23 lakh. The newer IIM fees for MBA through CAT is under Rs. 12 lakh.

Q. Is MBA free after CAT?

Ans. There is no free seat or free of cost study policy for MBA through CAT score.

Q. Why IIM fees is so high?

Ans. IIM Ahmedabad charges high fees to maintain its cutting- edge facilities, top- notch infrastructure, high -end research facilities, it offers. They need to charge high to meet these costs. IIMs are autonomous and they don’t receive much funding from the government.

Q. Who is eligible for IIM?

Ans. The candidate must hold a bachelor’s degree, with at least 50%marks or equivalent CGPA in case of the candidate belonging to SC /ST/ Persons with Disabilities category, this is relaxed to 45%, of any of the universities incorporated by an act of the central or state.

Q. Are 3 months enough for CAT preparation?

Ans. The aspirants must attempt a decent number of CAT mock tests to analyze their mistakes. If the candidates follow an effective study plan, then 3 months would be enough to prepare for the CAT exam.

Q. Is calculator allowed in CAT?

Ans. Yes- a calculator is allowed in the CAT exam. But this does not mean that you can carry your own calculator in the exam. You will be allowed to use an on screen calculator. 

Q. Is there uniform in IIM?

Ans. There is no dress code, you can wear whatever you want.

Q. Is attendance compulsory at IIM?

Ans. Minimum attendance of 80 percent is required in every course. The PGP office will keep a record of attendance in all courses. Students who do not meet the  minimum attendance norm in a course will be awarded one full grade point lower than that secured by them in that course.

Q. Is hostel compulsory at IIM Bangalore?

Ans. In IIM Bangalore, it is compulsory to stay in hostel for the first year of MBA. From 2nd year, it is your own choice whether you want to stay in hostel or off campus.

Q. Does IIM reduce fees?

Ans. The recent lowering of tuition fees of Indian Institute Of Managements to Rs. 12,00,000per year from Rs. 19,50,000 per year as required by the minister of human resources development is hard to understand.

Q. Do CAT toppers get scholarship?

Ans. No, just clearing the CAT examination won’t grant you a scholarship. There are various scholarships that you can get after clearing the CAT examination, but they’re all performance based and vary from B- school to B-school.

Q. What is the benefit of writing CAT exam?

Ans. CAT exam is much important for students who want to do MBA in higher studies. Through the scores of CAT result, one can get admissions in IIMs and top level B-schools.

Q. What is the salary of CAT?

Ans. Average annual salary in CAT is INR 20.3 Lakhs.

IIM Fees 2021

IIM MBA fees usually range between Rs. 11 lakhs to Rs. 28 lakhs for full- time MBA or PGDM programmes. Each IIM releases their fee structure in admission policy before the commencement of the programme and specifically mentions what are the expenses they cover in their IIM MBA fee structure. IIM Ahmedabad fee for PGP programme for the academic session 2021-23 is Rs. 28 lakhs followed by IIM Kolkata with MBA fee being Rs. 27 lakhs. IIM Bangalore MBA fee is Rs. 23 lakhs this year. On the other hand, the MBA fees for new IIMs like IIM Trichy is Rs. 11,80,000. This discrepancy is observed due to the fact that old IIM are not funded by the government while the new IIMs are financially supported by the government for maintenance and other expenses.

What are the Key Components for IIM MBA?

There are a number of key components that constitute the total MBA fees in IIMS. Because of the sumptuous fee structure, students are asked to pay the fee semester wise. There are a number of expenses covered in IIM fess structure which include academic  fees, residential charges and other expenses for services and utilities.

The key components are as follows

  • Tuition fee.
  • Course material.
  • Library.
  • Internet facility.
  • Laptop and computer.
  • Study Tours.
  • International Immersion.
  • Alumni Charges.
  • Hostel charges depending upon single occupancy or double occupancy.
  • Mess charges
  • Miscellaneous expenses.

Q. Which IIM has lowest fees for MBA?

Ans. IIM Sirmaur has the lowest MBA fees. It’s current fees is INR 13.75 lakh. The IIM Sirmaur fees for MBA can be paid in instalments and there are scholarships and loan assistance available.

Q. What are the IIM fees for SC/ST?

Ans. Each IIM has its own fee structure for MBA 2021, but for IIM A,B&C, the fee is in the range of Rs.14 to 16 lakh for a 2 year PGP flagship course.

Q. Do IIMs offer good placements to their students?

Ans. Yes, IIMs have a reputation for having an excellent placement record. A large number of domestic and international companies recruit IIM students.

Q. Which IIM  takes most freshers?

Ans. If that was the case, the top IIMs wouldn’t  hire so many freshers. In the 2018-2020 batch, IIM Ahmedabad had 25% freshers. So, they are definitely there to select you. And it’s not only them, during the IIM placements, some companies also prefer freshers.

Q. Does IIM have OBC reservation?

Ans. As per government of India requirement, 27% of the seats are reserved for NC-OBC , 15% for SC, 7.5% for ST candidates, 5% for persons with benchmark disabilities and up to 10% for economically weaker sections.

People Also Ask

Q. Is there any fee concession in IIM?

Ans. Students are provided 100 percent, 80 percent , 60 percent, 40 percent or 20 percent fee waiver for the entire programme.

Q. Do CAT toppers get scholarship?

Ans. No, just clearing the CAT examination won’t grant you a scholarship. There are various scholarships that you can get after clearing the CAT examination, but they are all performance based and vary from B- School to B -school.

Q. What is the fees of IIM Bangalore?

Ans. The expected fee for IIM Bangalore MBA 2022-24 batch is Rs. 23lakhs.

Q. Is life at IIM tough?

Ans. At last I would like to tell you that life at the IIM campus may be hectic, frenetic, tiring but it is never dull. You will face challenges but you will learn to overcome those obstacles. That’s how you are groomed to be highly professional and organized in your life.

Q. Is laptop necessary in IIM?

Ans. All students are required to have their own laptop computer.

IIM fees for SC

Approx 18-25 Lakhs is the fees in IIMs for all category.

Q. Is there any scholarship for SC students in IIM?

Ans. Any student, including those belonging to the SC/ST category, whose total annual family income does not exceed Rs. 3,00,000/ is eligible for consideration of these scholarships. The financial assistance is available to both the PGP-1- Year and PGP- 2- Year students.

Q. Is there any fee concession in IIM for SC ST?

Ans. There is no difference based on category of students in IIM Fees. Students from financially weak backgrounds and SC/ST and OBC category can avail scholarship schemes as per government of India rule and avail reduction in fees.

Q. Does IIM have SC quota?

Ans. As per government of India requirement, 27% of the seats are reserved for NC-OBC, 15% for SC, 7.5% for ST candidates, 5% for persons with benchmark disabilities and up to 10%for economically weaker sections.

Q. Is there reservations for girls in IIM?

Ans. Now with the new allocation, the number of seats will rise from 420 to 480. This means that from the 2019-20 batch, a total of 186 seats will be reserved for women. 30% reservation for women in the campus is reserved.

Q. Which IIM has most girls?

Ans. In 2013,IIM Kozhikode made history, with women filling up half the seats in part due to it giving higher weight for female candidates during the selection process. But the institute couldn’t sustain it, with the share shrinking to 30% in the 2017-2019 batch and 26% this time.

People Also Ask

Q. Is it easy for SC to get IIM?

Ans. It is very difficult to score 70-80 percentile in CAT considering the difficulty level of the exam, but since you belong to SC category you have moderate to low chances of getting IIM. As you know it is a very prestigious institution, so the marks requirements also remain high.

Q. How much percentile is required for IIM in SC?

Ans. For getting calls for all new IIMs and ultra new IIMs you need to score atleast 75 plus percentile. By scoring 75-80 percentile you won’t get call for second round of interview and WSAT from all New IIMs.

Q. Is 82 percentile good in CAT?

Ans. You can get many good colleges with your CAT score of 82 percentile.

Q. Can anyone get into IIM with 80 percentile?

Ans. IIM Ahmedabad has announced cut off as low as 80 percentile in CAT but the actual cut off percentile may go above 95. For candidates with exceptional profile, IIM Ahmedabad can offer admission at 80plus percentile also.

IIM Fees For OBC

As per Government of India requirement, 27% of the seats are reserved for NC-OBC, 15% for ST candidates, 5% for persons with Benchmark Disabilities [PwD], and up to 10% for economically weaker sections [EWS]. All the twenty IIMs grant scholarship and fee waivers to the OBC candidates who have a family income of less than 4.5 lakhs per annum. The fee schedule for OBC candidates in IIM remains the same as that of the open candidates. However, belonging to a social category, OBC candidates can avail of various scholarship schemes as per gazette notification of the central government and receive a major deduction in the fees.

Q. Which IIM has lowest fees for MBA?

Ans. IIM Sirmaur has the lowest MBA fees. It is current fees in INR 13.75 lakh. The IIM Sirmaur fees for MBA can be paid in instalments and there are scholarship and loan assistance available.

Q. What is the annual fees of IIM?

Ans. IIM fee structure and seats, IIM fees for the MBA program range from Rs.10 lakhs to 23 lakhs for its complete course. The top three IIM fees i.e. Ahmedabad, Bangalore, and Kolkata are having the highest which is Rs. 23 lakh. However, the newer IIM fees for MBA through CAT is under Rs. 12 lakh.

Q. Which IIM has highest package?

Ans. As per the 2022 final placement report of IIM Ahmedabad, the highest salary offered was Rs. 75.20 lakh per annum and the international salary was Rs. 1.20 crore per annum.

Q. Is IIM very tough?

Ans. This has made IIM Bangalore one of the toughest business schools to get admission to, and every year, even CAT 99 plus percentilers miss out on a call from the institute.

Q. Do 12th marks matter in IIM?

Ans. Class 10th and class 12th marks matter f or getting a call from IIM. They first shortlists you on the behalf of your academics score i.e. 10TH, 12TH and your graduation percentile and then call you for GD/ PI round. 

People Also Ask:

Q. How many students get selected in IIM every year?

Ans. The examination holds its importance due to the number of candidates participate. There are almost 2 lakh candidates take the exam every year and more than 5000 seats are offered by the 20 IIMs currently functioning in India.

Q. Which degree is best for IIM?

Ans. One of the most sought after B- schools in the country, IIM Ahmedabad offers :2 Year Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Management [MBA] 2- Year Post Graduate Diploma Programme – Food and Agri Business Management {PGP- FABM] Doctoral {Fellowship} Programme in Management FPM.

Q. Can a poor students study in IIM?

Ans. Yes, everyone can afford the fee of an IIM. Over the years IIMs have ensured that there are no dropouts because of financial reasons. They provide several scholarships to the needy people.

Q. Do IIM students get scholarship?

Ans. IIM-A aspires to provide every candidate, irrespective of his/her financial status, the opportunity to pursue the PGP/PGP -FABM at IIMA. IIMA offers a need based scholarship over and above the scholarships provided by the Govt. of India, Alumni and industries/ corporations.

IIM Scholarships

Different IIMs give grants to meriting applicants. Basically two sorts of grants are being advertised.

IIM 2022 MBA fees generally range between Rs. 11 lakhs to Rs. 28 lakhs for full-time MBA/PGDM programs. Then again, the MBA fees of fresher IIMs like IIM Trichy and IIM Sirmaur are well under Rs. 12 lakhs. Each IIM distributes its MBA fee structure in the admission strategy prior to sending off the arrangement and determines what costs they will cause in their IIM MBA fee structure 2022. No expansion in MBA fees has been reported by any IIM such a long ways for the 2022-24 scholastic meeting.

In this article, students will track down information on IIM Ahmedabad Fees, IIM Bangalore Fees, IIM Indore Fees, and other 17 campuses with passage subtleties and grants. Competitors will likewise track down the accompanying subtleties

  • Components of IIM admission 2022 fees
  • Grant plans presented by each IIM
  • PGP fee construction and grant of each IIM
  • Yearly course fee of two-year MBA/PGP program of each IIM

On the off chance that you intend to seek a postgraduate administration course at any of the IIM grounds, you ought to be comfortable with IIM fees for MBA 2022 meeting and MBA admission rules (CAT choice). In spite of the fact that IIMs offer grants and help with acquiring schooling advances, it is dependably shrewd to register whether they fit with your spending plan prior to applying.

Top Colleges in India offering Management Courses

  1. Great Lakes Chennai
  2. Great Lakes Gurgaon
  3. ICFAI Dehradun
  4. IMT Ghaziabad
  5. UPES Dehradun
  6. LPU Jalandhar
  7. SRM University Chennai
  8. GD Goenka University, Gurgaon
  9. Chandigarh University
  10. BML Munjal University, Gurgaon
  11. Manipal University (MAHE)
  12. Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
  13. IPE Hyderabad
  14. IFIM Business School

IIM Fees for MBA

The following is a rundown of IIM fees for the MBA/PGP program. The sum referenced here is a full-time MBA/PGP (2 years) course fee. IIM fees might increment in the new scholastic meeting.

IIM campusIIM Fees
IIM AhmedabadRs 23.00 lakh
IIM BangaloreRs 23.00 lakh
IIM CalcuttaRs 23.00 lakh
IIM KozhikodeRs 19.00 lakh
IIM LucknowRs 19.00 lakh
IIM UdaipurRs 17.60 lakh
IIM RaipurRs 14.20 lakh (barring boarding charges)
IIM VisakhapatnamRs 10.70 lakh (barring fees for worldwide inundation program)
IIM RohtakRs 15.20 lakh
IIM SambalpurRs 13.03 lakh
IIM TrichyRs 11.90 lakh
IIM RanchiRs 15.30 lakh
IIM SirmaurRs 11.75 lakh (barring fees for worldwide inundation program)
IIM BodhgayaRs 10.60 lakh
IIM JammuRs 13.80 lakh
IIM AmritsarRs 12.00 lakh
IIM KashipurRs 15.10 lakh
IIM ShillongRs 12.68 lakh
IIM IndoreRs 17.07 lakh
IIM NagpurRs 13.34 lakh

IIM Fee for Executive MBA Programs

Look at the IIM fees for the Executive MBA program 2022.

Leader MBA ProgrammeCourse Fee
IIM Ahmedabad - PGPXRs 25.00 Lakh
IIM Bangalore - EPGPRs 25.89 Lakh
IIM Calcutta - MBAExRs 27.00 Lakh
IIM Indore - EPGPRs 20.00 Lakh
IIM Kozhikode - PGP BLRs 22.50 Lakh
IIM Lucknow - IPMXRs 23.50 Lakh

IIM Ahmedabad Fees 2022

According to the earlier year’s IIM Ahmedabad fees for MBA/PGP, it was around Rs 23,00,000 (comprehensive of educational expenses of Rs 16,99,000). The Program Fee for PGPX is Rs 28,00,000. IIM Ahmedabad fees have referenced parts like convenience, wreck charges, educational expenses, and other related charges. Applicants ought to know that IIM Ahmedabad fees do exclude individual costs for movement, boarding, garments, clothing, from there, the sky is the limit. IIMA will likewise give monetary help to the students.

All out IIM MBA fees for future groups will be declared later. All students should have a PC. The establishment can likewise organize to locally purchase this.

IIM Ahmedabad Fees Structure for MBA/PGP 2022

Educational expenseRs 16,99,000
Different ChargesRs 5,01,000
CompleteRs 23,00,000

Q.Is IIM Ahmedabad costly?

Ans. Candidates who are offered final admission have to pay the IIM Ahmedabad fees. IIM Ahmedabad fees for the batch 2022-2024 are to be approx.. Rs. 30,00,000 single accommodation and Rs. 32,00,000 married student housing inclusive of the tuition fee.

Q. Is IIM Ahmedabad fees providing scholarship?

Ans. The program has instituted 5 interest waiver scholarship on merit basis which will work as interest waiver on bank loan taken by students for the program fee for a year. Maximum amount for the scholarship can go up to 3 Lakhs.

Q. Is hostel fees included in IIM Ahmedabad?

Ans. The Indian Institute Of Management , Ahmedabad has accommodation facilities provided for candidates within the campus. It must be noted that the accommodation fee for hostel fee is included in the IIM Ahmedabad fees per year.

Q. What is the fees of IIM Ahmedabad for BBA?

Ans. IIM Ahmedabad EPGP fees is INR 17,42,500 for 2 years. IIM Ahmedabad PGP FAMB fees is INR 15,80,000 for 2 years. IIM Ahmedabad PGPEX fees is INR 24,00,000 for 2 years . IIM Ahmedabad PGPM fees is INR 22,00,000 FOR 2 years.

Q. Is IIM Ahmedabad private or government?

Ans. It is a group of 20 public, autonomous institutes for management education and research in India. It has backed the first rank by NIRF in 2021 and is ranked as one of the best Business schools in India and the Asia-Pacific Region.

Q. Does IIM Ahmedabad offer scholarship for MMB?

Ans. 5 interest waiver scholarship are offered for the candidates of MBA – Ex program on merit basis which will work as interest waiver on loan taken bank by candidates [ for the course fee] for a year. Scholarship amount can go up to 3 lakhs maximum.

Q. Does IIM fees including hostel?

Ans. IIM Ahmedabad fees for the batch 2022-2024 are to be approximately Rs. 30,00,000 [ Single Accommodation] and Rs. 32,00,000 [ Married Student Housing] inclusive of the tuition fee.

People Also Ask

Q. Is IIM good for BBA?

Ans. BBA in IIM is definitely a beneficial course, as it helps build the correlation between years of learning. To get admission to BBA programme of IIMs students will have to appear for Written Ability Test and Personal Interview.

Q. How can anyone join BBA in IIM?


  • IPMAT exam held in April/ May.
  • Shortlisting of candidates for Written Ability Test and Personal Interview.
  • Final selection of candidates on the basis of performance in IPMAT, WAT AND PI.

Q. Is there any fee concession in IIM for OBC?

Ans. There is no difference based on category of students in IIM Fees. Students from financially weak backgrounds and SC/ST and OBC category can avail scholarship schemes as per government of India Rule and avail reduction in fees.

Q. Who founded IIM in 1962?

Ans. The library is named after the institute’s founder renowned physicist Shri. Vikram Sarabhai. The library was instituted in 1962 and houses over 193000 books and has online subscriptions to greater than 24000 journals.

Q. Which IIM is best for Finance?

Ans. It is heartening to note that IIM Kolkata is ranked No.1 in Finance and No.2 in Economics among the top 70 global business business schools that offer masters in management programme. This is a recognition of the quality of faculty, research and academic rigour that IIM Kolkata stands for.

IIM Bangalore Fees 2022

The complete IIM Bangalore fees for MBA/PGP program is around Rs 23 lakh. MBA IIM Bangalore fees will cover the educational cost, web, library, lodging room, and different parts. Aside from the IIM Bangalore fees students will be expected to pay the wariness store and wreck ahead of time. IIMB will give monetary help and grants to the shortlisted contender to join the MBA/PGP program on a CAT premise.

IIM Bangalore Fees for MBA/PGP

IIMB Fees for a very long timeRs 23,00,000
Alert Deposit (General)Rs 15,000
Alert Deposit (Hostel)Rs 5,000

NOTE: not with standing the IIM MBA fees referenced above, students should pay a wreck ahead of Rs 30,000 each term

IIM Lucknow Fees 2022

Students who are shortlisted for last IIML admission should pay the IIM Lucknow fees which will be separated into 6 terms. The IIM Lucknow fees for MBA is Rs 19,25,000 according to the earlier year. IIM Lucknow Fees for SC-ST students might differ. To know the unmistakable subtleties of IIM Lucknow fee structure as class and course wise, kindly visit the authority site.

IM Lucknow fees will incorporate the admission fee, educational expense, foundation fee, refundable stores, and graduated class participation fees. Last year IIM Lucknow climbed the fee around by Rs 5,00,000.

IIM Lucknow Fees for MBA 2022

Particulars/Fees & ExpensesPGP- I/Term-IPGP- I/Term-IIPGP- I/Term-IIITotal
Admission Fee700000070000
Tuition Fee190000190000190000570000
Infrastructure Fee115000115000115000345000
Total Fee (A)375000305000305000985000
Refundable Deposits200000020000
Alumni Membership Fee0000
Total Fee (B)200000020000
Total Fee (A+B)3950003050003050001005000

IIM Kozhikode Fees 2022

Students who will be offered a last admission should pay the IIM Kozhikode fees to affirm their admission. The absolute IIM Kozhikode fees for the program is Rs 10,00,000 payable in 7 Installments. For the PGP-Finance program , the absolute fee is Rs 20,50,000. The IIM Kozhikode fees might differ for each program like PGP-LSM, PGP-BL, PGP-Finance, PGP, MBA, Executive-MBA.

The above fees incorporate books and guidance material, program conveyance, reproductions, and admittance to all nearby offices like library assets. Be that as it may, these fees do exclude the boarding and housing charges for the proposed grounds inundation modules at IIMK.

IIM Kozhikode Fees Structure

TermFirst Year IIM Kozhikode FeeSecond Year IIM Kozhikode Fee
Term I/ IV4,25,0004,25,000
Term II/ V3,00,0003,00,000
Term III/ VI3,00,0003,00,000
Total10,25, 200010,25, 2000

IIM Ranchi Fees

A courses like a MBA is not just a grade as it is very compulsory for career progression, management skills and personality developments but also help to increase of an individual. Many career opportunities are available after completing an MBA. An MBA graduate is focused on building leadership skills and learning business principles. MBAs offer a stronger professional network, lots of job opportunities, and a handsome pay check. A MBA alumni is always ready for future career, fellows looking to develop skills around influence often have unique opportunities to do so during the MBA experience. MBA is one of the courses that, not only opens a new ways but also build a very high level of management aptitude. Students can learn business techniques, leadership and management skills throughout the period.

Indian Institute Of Management Ranchi Fees

SpecificationsTerm 1Term 2Term 3Term 4Term 5Term 6Total
Admission fee1,00,000-----1,00,000
Caution Deposit20,000-----20,000
Alumni fee10,000-----10,000

NOTE. IIM Ranchi fee structure for PGP and PGP HRM programs [As per 2021]

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IIM Indore Fees 2022

Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Indore will give the fee construction to PGP and PGPMX for the scholastic bunch of 2022-24. The all out fee for PGP program at IIM Indore is Rs 16,96,422 and for PGPMX, Rs 16,10,000. IIM Indore Fees incorporate admittance to addresses, PC offices, library, and so forth. It has convenience.

The IIM Indore fees do exclude the expense of reading material. The surmised cost of the course books is Rs. 15,000 for each annum which the members need to spend all alone. Covered Medical Policy Insurance for an amount of Rs.1,50,000 per member every year for which expense would be gathered on genuine.

IIM Indore Fees Structure for MBA/PGP/PGPMX

Post Graduate Program in Management for Working Executives (PGPMX)

SpecificsIIM Indore Fees
Non-refundable affirmation endless supply of admission offer.Rs 1,00,000
Prior to enlistment in the programRs 7,10,000
Prior to start of the subsequent yearRs 8,00,000
All outRs 16,10,000

Post Graduate Programme in Management (PGP)

Tuition Fee7,25,0002,50,0002,50,0002,25,000
Hostel Charges75,00025,00025,00025,000
Refundable Caution Deposit50,00050,000--
Mess Deposit45,00015,00015,00015,000
Medical Insurance Premium711711--
Grand Total8,95,7113,40,7112,90,0002,65,000
HeadsPGP - IIInstallments
Tuition Fee7,35,0002,50,0002,50,0002,35,000
Hostel Charges75,00025,00025,00025,000
Refundable Caution Deposit----
Mess Deposit----
Medical Insurance Premium711---
Grand Total8,10,7112,75,0002,75,0002,60,000

NOTE: Caution Deposit fee to be discounted toward the culmination of the program, in the wake of changing the levy (if any). Rs. 10,000 will be gathered in the second year towards the Alumni fee.

The acknowledgment fee will be changed against the first portion fee. Members can pay in one singular amount or in three portions as long as 7 days with maybe some time to spare. Late installment draws in late fines.

IIM Trichy Fees 2022

IIM Trichy offers PGPM, PGBM, PGPM-HR, FPM, and E-FPM. According to the previous year’s pattern, the people who will apply for the PGPM program should pay Rs 14,00,000 and the individuals who will apply for PGPBM should pay an all out fee of Rs 11,80,000.

The non-refundable IIM Trichy fees of Rs. 11,80,000/ – that incorporates Library, Tuition, Case Permission Royalty, Academic Course Pack, Textbooks, Examination, and Alumni movement. For simplicity of installment, the IIM Trichy fee is organized to be paid in nine portions according to the accompanying timetable.

IIM Trichy Fees Structure for MBA

CoursesIIM Trichy Fees
PGPBM programRs 11,80,000
PGPM programRs 16,50,000

The term-wise fee subtleties are as per the following

IIM Trichy Fees Structure for PGPBM

Due DateFees Payable
July 2022 (Along with offer acceptance)Rs 1,90,000*
November 2022Rs 1,25,000
February 2023Rs 1,25,000
May 2023Rs 1,25,000
August 2023Rs 1,25,000
November 2023Rs 1,25,000
February 2024Rs 1,25,000
May 2024Rs 1,25,000
July 2024Rs 1,25,000

NOTE: A watchfulness store of Rs. 30,000 (Term-I) will be discounted assuming that there is any change after leaving the Institute.