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MBA Colleges in Raipur

Saurav Anand | March 22, 2022

MBA Colleges in Raipur

What is MBA?

MBA is one of the most famous post-graduate courses in India and abroad. The full type of MBA is Master of Business Administration. For the vast majority of the administrative level positions across spaces and areas an MBA degree is a need which is the reason, these days an enormous number of BTech, BBA, BCom, BA, BSc, BCA graduates settle on MBA in post-graduation.

MBA affirmation depends on MBA placement tests followed by a character evaluation test round (Group Discussion or GD, Written Ability Test or WAT and Personal Interview or PI). Regularly, understudies are expected to have more than 50% in their undergraduate certificate from any stream to seek after an MBA course. The most famous MBA placement tests are CAT, GMAT, XAT among others. IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta, IIM Lucknow, FMS Delhi, XLRI and ISB are a portion of the top MBA schools in India that take confirmation through these tests followed by individual GD-PI adjusts. The MBA expense for the most part runs between INR 10-25 lakh relying upon the school to school, but there are sure extremely well-known top universities where the course charge is a lot lower than INR 10 lakh like FMS Delhi, JBIMS Mumbai among others.

The MBA course is a scholarly program situated towards the executives and advertising. It incorporates subjects like Organizational Behaviour, Marketing, Principles of Management, Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, and so forth Top selection representatives for MBA are Amazon, Apple, Bain and Company, Citigroup, Deloitte, Facebook, Accenture, and so forth The jobs on offer for MBA graduates are by and large of centre administration levels like Finance Manager, Product Manager, Strategy Manager, HR Manager, and so forth On finishing the MBA certification, understudies can land positions with pay going between INR 8 lakh to INR 30 lakh for each annum.

MBA Eligibility

A manager is expected to lead a team of professionals hence the most important skills for a successful manager are good communication and leadership qualities. Take a look at some of the skills required for MBA/PGDM, below

Full-time MBA: Required Skillset 
Business acumenGood communication skills
Problem-solving SkillsManagement skills
Strong mathematical skillsResearch oriented
Analytical thinkingLeadership qualities
Eye for detailGoal-oriented & ability to work under pressure

MBA Colleges in Raipur

There are about 20 MBA colleges in Raipur. Out of these colleges, 12 colleges are private and four colleges are government-owned.

MBA Colleges in Raipur Highlights

Refer to the table below to know the highlights for MBA colleges in Raipur.

No. of MBA Colleges in RaipurApproximately 20 MBA colleges
Fees-Annual Fees < Rs 1 lakh: 15%
-Annual Fees Rs 1-2 lakh: 43%
Top SpecialisationsFinance, Sales & Marketing, Human Resources, Healthcare and Hospital
Admission ProcessEntrance-based: CAT, MAT, CMAT, XAT

Raipur, the capital city of Chhattisgarh, is a significant business centre in focal India. Raipur has shown remarkable monetary, social and instructive development. The city has turned into a major instructive centre of Chhattisgarh as it has become home to a portion of the noticeable administration, designing, clinical and regulation foundations. The top MBA schools in Raipur give class separated instruction and great arrangements.

Top MBA schools in Raipur acknowledge scores acquired by understudies in different public level and state-level selection tests like CAT, MAT, CMAT, XAT, and so on

MBA Colleges in Raipur: Eligibility Criteria

Qualification rules for MBA universities in Raipur might contrast from one school to another. In any case, the fundamental qualification models for MBA are as per the following:

  • Applicants should hold a Bachelor’s certification in any discipline or identical from a perceived college
  • A large portion of the foundations follow the base score measures in graduation which is 50 % total or the same. For saved classification understudies, the base score required is 45% total
  • Last year graduation understudies are additionally qualified to apply for MBA, gave they present the verification of consummation of graduation degree inside the term determined by the organization

Top MBA Colleges in Raipur

Formfees Rating is a rating given by the students based on five parameters such as placements, infrastructure, faculty and course, curriculum, crowd and campus life and value for money. Refer to the table below to know the rating of the top 10 MBA colleges in Raipur.

Name of the CollegeRating
IIM Raipur4.1
Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University (PRSU)3.2
Kalinga University4.2
Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional Management and Technology3.8
ITM University3.6
Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya3
MATS University3.8
Amity University4.1
Disha Institute of Management and Technology3.9
The ICFAI University3.5

List of Top Private and Government MBA Colleges in Raipur

List of Top Private MBA Colleges In Raipur

Refer to the table below to know the top private MBA colleges in Raipur:

Name of the InstituteCourse Fee (in Rs)
Kalinga University3.67 L – 4.93 L
Amity University4.64 L – 7.4 L
MATS University3.1 L
Disha Institute of Management and Technology2.14 L
The ICFAI University1.96 L

List of Top Government MBA Colleges In Raipur

Refer to the table below to know the top government MBA colleges in Raipur

Name of the InstituteCourse Fee (in Rs)
IIM Raipur14.2 L
PRSU1.77 K
Kushabhau Thakre Patrakarita Avam Jansanchar Vishwavidyalaya37.44 K – 41.44 K
Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya1.16 L

List Of Top MBA Colleges In Raipur

1. ITM University

ITM University (ITMUR) is a private college claimed and oversaw by the ITM Group of Institutions. The University is situated in Raipur, Chhattisgarh and was laid out in 2012. It is a UGC-perceived University. It dominated during a time of accomplishment with its aggressive arrangement of understudies, progressed framework, sporting focus and different elements that make a comprehensive and diligent vibe. The University offers different courses under six resources, including:

  • Faculties of Commerce, Management and Research
  • Faculties of International Hospitality & Tourism Management Department
  • Faculties of Life & Allied Sciences
  • Faculties of Engineering and Research
  • Faculties of Architecture
  • Faculties of Law

MBA Course

CoursesTotal tuition FeesEligibility
MBA/PGDM(2 Courses)INR 2.73 L - 5.45 L
(for 1 year-2 years)
Graduation : 50 %
Exams :MAT,XAT
Duration2 years (Full Time)
Course LevelPG Degree
Total FeesINR 5.45 Lakh
RankingRank #95
Type of UniversityPrivate
Year of establishment2012

Amity University Raipur

Amity University, Raipur was laid out in 2014. Amity University Chhattisgarh (Raipur) is a piece of a 20-year-old, famous and driving schooling gathering of India. Amity University Raipur has right now over 1.50 lakh understudies chasing after 250 projects across all the grounds in India and abroad. More than 150 employees and researchers work at Amity Raipur. There are 10 howdy tech labs, a library with north of 10,000 books and 17,000 internet-based diaries and Amity Innovation Incubator to support pioneering ability.

The University is perceived by the UGC and offers courses in streams, including Engineering, Architecture, Design, Law, Management, Commerce, Applied and Creative Arts, Vocational Education, Media, Information and Communication Technology and Education. It offers UG, PG and PhD courses in full-time, part-time and distance training mode.

As of late, the University presented a Global Study Program for Indian understudies. Amity Raipur has tie-ups with IBM, Oracle and Sun Microsystems for granting expected specialized abilities to the understudies. It additionally offers Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) so employees can overhaul their insight and abilities every once in a while.

Amity Raipur offers seven days of mandatory Military Training Course (MTC) to understudies at Raipur’s grounds. Amity is India’s first college to have portable applications for its understudies. Visit

Additionally, Amity Raipur is a 50-section of land grounds. Altogether, there are 23 grounds of Amity University found the whole way across the globe. Out of these, 11 grounds are situated in India and 13 grounds are found abroad. Underneath referenced are for the most part the grounds of Amity Group situated in India:

MBA Course

CoursesTotal tuition FeesEligibility
MBA/PGDM(5 Courses)INR 4.64 L - 7.4 L
(for 2 years)
Graduation : 50 %
Duration2 years (Full Time)
Course LevelPG Degree
Total FeesINR 4.79 Lakh
RankingRank #151
Type of UniversityPrivate
Year of establishment2014


3. IIM Raipur – Indian Institute of Management, Chhattisgarh

Laid out in 2010 by the Government of India and Ministry of Human Resources Development, IIM Raipur is the tenth IIM set up in the country. IIM Raipur positioned 19 situations by the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2020. IIM Raipur has been positioned 9 by Outlook-ICARE India MBA Rankings 2020. IIM Raipur is a public organization perceived by the All-India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). The establishment offers PG and PhD-level administration courses with in excess of 30 exceptionally experienced employees. Arranged in Cheriya, Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh, IIM Raipur has a top-notch framework with every one of the cutting edge offices, including inn, library, sports complex, cafeteria, wellness focus and some more. IIM Raipur’s admission to different PG and PhD-level projects is both entry and legitimacy based. It additionally offers chief instruction, including programs like Management Development Program (MDP) and Advanced Management Program (AMP). IIM Raipur has an enormous rundown of global and public coordinated efforts to cultivate help with instructive regions for understudies. These associations direct normal understudy trade projects and examination exercises for understudies to give them worldwide openness.

MBA Course

ParticularsAdmission Highlights (2022)
Course duration2 years
Seat intake*260
Total fee**INR 14.2 lakh
Eligibility criteria- Graduation with 50% aggregate (45% for SC/ ST candidates)
- Candidates, appearing for the final year of their UG degree waiting for results can also apply. However, if selected, admission of such candidates will be provisional depending on the submission of a pre-final certificate signed by competent authorities of the previous institute/ university, latest by June 30 of the year of admission
Selection criteriaCAT + Performance in PA Process + Past academic performance + Work Experience (if any) + Diversity Factors
Overall CAT cutoff (General category)Qualifying: 93
Final (expected): 94 and above
CAT application fee (MBA application)INR 2,200 (General category) and INR 1,100 (Reserved category)


4. PRSU – Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University

Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University’s (PRSU) arrangement report for the scholarly year 2021-2022 isn’t delivered on the authority site at this point. Whenever it is delivered, it will be refreshed on this page. Prior, as indicated by the NIRF report 2022, an aggregate of 5 understudies were put out of 42 understudies during PRSU UG (3-year) situations 2021. Further, the middle bundle presented during PRSU UG (3-year) and PG (2-year) arrangements 2021 were INR 1.8 LPA and INR 2.76 LPA, individually.

Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University (PRSU) was laid out in 1964. It was named after Pandit Ravishankar Shukla the main Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh. PRSU, Raipur is a UGC-endorsed State University and has been licensed with a grade ‘A’ by NAAC. The grounds of the college is spread across 207 section of land. There is an aggregate of 144 schools associated with PRSU.

Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University (PRSU) offers UG, PG, doctoral, PG confirmation, and declaration courses in various streams as Arts, Science, Law, Commerce, and so on The admissions to the PRSU depend on the two benefits as well as selection test scores. The college likewise offers grant offices to its understudies according to the standards of the State and Central government.

MBA Course

Duration2 years (Full Time)
Course LevelPG Degree
Total FeesINR 1,770
Type of UniversityState
Year of establishment1964

5. Indra Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya

Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, situated in the rice bowl of India is an instructive organization serving for the speed increase of development in agribusiness of Chhattisgarh since its beginning in 1987. The excursion what began as ‘Labhandi Farm’ is advanced into an enormous grounds of Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya. The University offers plenty of courses in Agriculture Discipline through Undergraduate, Postgraduate and PhD programs. The University has 23 constituent government schools and 15 partnered private schools.

MBA Course

CoursesTotal tuition FeesEligibility
MBA/PGDM(1 Courses)INR 1.16 L
(for 2 years)
Graduation : 60 %
Duration2 years (Full Time)
Course LevelPG Degree
Total FeesINR 1.16 Lakh
Type of UniversityState
Year of establishment1987