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MBA or CA which One Is a Better Career Option

Saurav Anand | April 8, 2022

What is MBA?

MBA’s are Specifically designed to acquire and hone the skills required for careers in business and management, the Master of Business Administration (MBA) is an internationally recognized Degree. However, the MBA’s value extends far beyond the business world. Additionally, an MBA can be useful for those seeking a managerial career in government, the private sector, and other fields.

There is a “core” curriculum included in most MBA programs covering subjects like accounting, economics, marketing, and operations, along with electives that facilitate the pursuit of personal or career interests. MBA students are often required to intern at a company or organization, which can lead to potential employment opportunities after graduation.

What is CA?

In India, becoming a Chartered Accountant is among the most sought-after careers, but it can be tough, and it is known to be among the toughest professions one can pursue. If you succeed in getting into this profession, there is a great path to success, a great salary, and a high level of respect for the community. 

It is not the title or pay that makes people respect chartered accountants; it is primarily the difficulty of becoming one.

The journey to becoming a chartered accountant is arduous, and it could be argued that it is one of, if not the most challenging profession.

Now that you the basics let’s look at the 5 differences Between MBA and CA:

  • While MBA covers a wide range of topics, CA focuses on just a few. It is important to note that the two courses have varying levels of knowledge.

  • CA course does not require any campus training, but skill practice sessions are organized to help the students prepare. MBA students are assisted with campus training sessions to prepare for the course.

  • MBAs and CAs are both excellent options for advancing in the commerce sector. It’s important not to misunderstand the differences between them.

  •  MBAs are post-graduate courses that are only available after passing your graduation. 
  • While CA courses are graduate courses, they can be taken after the 12th or after graduation.

  • CA is a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Accounting, taxation, auditing, and corporate finance are its main focus areas. 
  • A candidate for an MBA must possess both excellent finance and accounting skills. In CA, communication skills are much more important than they are in an MBA.

  • During the MBA program, candidates will gain exposure to a wide range of topics. In such an environment, there is intense pressure for the syllabus over the student’s social life. Thus, the student becomes specialized in a specific area.
  • However, CA does not engage in social networking in between its courses, rather it uses an intensive syllabus to bring out the best in aspiring candidates.

Students taking a CA program gain a great deal of knowledge after completing the coursework.

  • Due to his rich knowledge of accounting, taxation, and corporate law, a CA is far more knowledgeable on any given day than an MBA in Finance. 
  •  An MBA from an Indian Institute which holds a top ranking will have a slight advantage over CAs due to their broad-based knowledge which is derived from studying a multitude of business subjects covering several different domains in their MBA program.
  • A finance professional in the 21st century needs both to be an expert in finance as well as to have a business horizon that is broad enough to encompass the dynamic business environment. 
  • CA curriculum does prepare students very well for accounting, taxation, and allied advisory fields.