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Top Government MBA Colleges in Kolkata with Low Fees

Saurav Anand | September 21, 2022

Top Government MBA Colleges in Kolkata with low fees

Are you a student living in Kolkata or a student who wants to study in the Top Government MBA Colleges in Kolkata with Low Fees with great placement then formfees is the right place for your to find the Top MBA Colleges in Kolkata with Low Fees along with many other details like MBA course fees in government college in kolkata, eligibility, etc.

Kolkata (previously Calcutta) is the capital of West Bengal, India. They were established as a commercial facility for the East India Company. From 1773 to 1911, it served as the capital of India under the British Raj. MBA courses give students with a suitable orientation in business domains. If students desire to pursue a career in business, they should enroll in MBA programs. Before enrolling for the MBA program, be sure you meet the qualifying requirements. – In India, Kolkata is one of the top MBA destinations due to its legendary status as the capital of West Bengal. Kolkata MBA colleges offer high-quality MBA education with excellent placement results. It was also in Kolkata that the first IIM in the country was established, IIM Calcutta. Among the best-known post-graduate programs in Kolkata is the Master of Business Administration, or MBA. In the corporate world, a two-year program can open up a range of opportunities.

Top Government MBA Colleges in Kolkata

The list of Top Government MBA Colleges in Kolkata below is not based on fees, although students can check the fees and other details on their official website or you can simply contact Formfees about the admission details. 
There are many excellent business schools in West Bengal offering MBA and PGDM programs, with the majority of these institutions located in Kolkata (formerly Calcutta). The Top 3 Government MBA Colleges in Kolkata are known for generating future leaders and delivering excellent and inexpensive education to students.

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta (IIM-C)

The Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIM Calcutta) is a public business school in Joka, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. It was the first Indian Institute of Management to be created, and the Government of India designated it as an Institute of National Importance in 2017. 

Department of Business Management, University of Calcutta

The Department of Business Management (BM) is part of the University of Calcutta and was placed 38 in a 2009 Business Today poll. MBA, MHROM, and PhD programmes are available to students in the department. BM has quickly established itself in the business world by offering a high-quality management education at an accessible price.

Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management (IISWBM)

The Indian Institute of Social Welfare & Business Management is a public business school in Kolkata, India. The university is Asia's first to provide an MBA degree. Business Today ranked it 34th among management schools in its "India's Best B Schools 2014" list. 

This Formfees article and information explains why an MBA in Kolkata is a wise decision. If you're seeking for the top MBA options, you may locate the best MBA colleges with rankings right here. Formfees can provide you with important information regarding the admission procedure, eligibility, fees, and placement at these Kolkata MBA institutions.

Top MBA Colleges in Kolkata 2023

Top MBA colleges provide more MBA alternatives with high-quality education at a reasonable cost and a great return on investment. The best MBA colleges in Kolkata are listed here, along with their rankings. Over the years, these universities have been providing a broad selection of MBA courses with effective learning and industry contact.

MBA CollegeType of MBA College
Indian Institute of Management (IIM) CalcuttaCentral Govt. Created oldest IIM
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) KolkataIIFT University MBA college
International Management Institute (IMI) KolkataAICTE Approved PGDM College  
Management Development Institute (MDI) MurshidabadAICTE Approved PGDM College  
Indian Institute of Social Welfare & Business Management (IISWBM), KolkataAutonomous- Affiliated to Calcutta University
Globsyn Business School (GBS) KolkataAICTE Approved PGDM College
Calcutta Business School (CBS) KolkataAICTE Approved PGDM College
Xavier Business School (XBS) KolkataSt. Xavier University MBA college
Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM), KolkataAffiliated to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT)
Praxis Business School, KolkataAICTE Approved PGDM College

People Also Ask – Top Government MBA Colleges in Kolkata with low fees

Q. What are the different specializations offered in MBA colleges in Kolkata?

Ans. Top 10 specializations offered in MBA colleges in Kolkata are given below in the article.

Q. Which is the best college for MBA in Kolkata based on placements?

Ans. The top 5 MBA colleges in Kolkata based on placements are:

  1. Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Calcutta.
  2. Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) Kolkata
  3. International Management Institute (IMI) Kolkata.
  4. Management Development Institute (MDI) Murshidabad.
  5. Indian Institute of Social Welfare & Business Management (IISWBM), Kolkata

Q. Which college is best for MBA govt or private?

Ans. But that definitely doesn’t mean that government MBA colleges are below par with private MBA colleges.

Q. What are the fees of MBA in Kolkata?

Ans. MBA Colleges in Kolkata 2022

Name of the collegeNIRF rankingFee structure
NSHM Knowledge Campus--Rs. 1.99 - 6.84 lakhs
Army Institute of Management--Rs. 7.92 lakhs
Department of Business Management--Rs. 6.51k
Xavier Business School--Rs. 10.40 lakhs

Q. Which MBA Colleges are best in Kolkata?

Ans. Top 5 Colleges for MBA in Kolkata are:

  • International Management Institute (IMI) Kolkata.
  • Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology
  • Indian Institute of Management, Kolkata.
  • Institute of Engineering and Management.

Q. Is CAT necessary for MBA?

Ans. Candidates seeking admission to the MBA program must take entrance examinations, the most common of which is the CAT, or Common Admission Test. The CAT Score qualifies the candidate for admission to the majority of India's top business schools, including the IIMs, which administer the CAT Exam.

Q. What are the best colleges in Kolkata for MBAs?

Ans. There are several colleges in Kolkata that are said to be the best for MBAs. This article ranks the top 10 of them.

Q. What is the cost of an MBA at a college in Kolkata?

Ans. Each college has a different fee structure. The following is a list of the top MBA colleges in Kolkata and their tuition fees.

Q. Which MBA College in Kolkata has the most comprehensive study materials?

Ans. All of the universities on our list of the Finest MBA Colleges in Kolkata offer excellent study materials, but Rank 1 is often regarded as the best by students.

Q. Is Kolkata a suitable place to do an MBA?

Ans. Many times in the past, Kolkata has been dubbed the greatest destination to get an MBA. To date, MBA Colleges in this city have generated a considerable number of MBAs. The following are the top ten MBA colleges in Delhi.

Q. How can I know if the times for the finest MBA College in Kolkata are suitable for me?

Ans. In our post, we have listed some of the finest MBA Colleges in Kolkata. You can join whichever one best meets your criteria and needs.

Top Government MBA Colleges in India.

Top MBA CollegesNIRF Rankings 2021
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad1
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore2
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta3

MBA Colleges in Kolkata Accepting CAT, GMAT, XAT Scores & Other Entrance Exams

Admissions to MBA colleges based on CAT scores

  1. IIM Calcutta
  2. Institute Of Engineering And Management – IEM
  3. Eastern Institute For Integrated Learning In Management
  4. Institute Of Management Studies – CIMS
  5. International Management Institute
  6. Management Development Institute – MDI
  7. International School of Business & Media – ISB&M
  8. Eastern Institute Of Management – EIM
  9. Camellia School Of Business Management – CSBM
  10. Indian Institute of Foreign Trade – IIFT
  11. Globsyn Business School – GBS

Admissions to MBA colleges accepting MAT scores

  1. Techno India University
  2. JIS College of Engineering
  3. Adamas University
  4. Calcutta Institute Of Engineering & Management – CIEM
  5. UEM Kolkata – University of Engineering and Management
  6. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Institute of Management Science – BIMSKOL
  7. FIEM – Future Institute of Engineering and Management
  8. Institute of Business Management and Research
  9. St Xavier’s University
  10. International Management Institute – IMI Kolkata

Admission to MBA colleges accepting XAT scores

  1. International Management Institute – IMI Kolkata
  2. St Xavier’s University
  3. Praxis Business School
  4. Calcutta University
  5. Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management – IISWBM
  6. Calcutta Business School
  7. Heritage Business School
  8. Globsyn Business School
  9. Amity University
  10. International School of Business and Media – ISB&M

Admission to MBA colleges accepting CMAT scores

  1. International Management Institute
  2. Praxis Business School
  3. Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management
  4. Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management – IISWBM
  5. University of Kalyani
  6. NSHM Business School
  7. Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management – EIILM
  8. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Institute of Management Science – BIMSKOL
  9. Swami Vivekananda Institute of Management and Computer Science
  10. Globsyn Business School

There are three kinds of MBA Colleges in Kolkata – IIM Calcutta,  IIMs, AICTE-approved PGDM colleges such as IMI, Globsyn,  MDI, Calcutta Business School, and University MBA colleges such as IIFT, XBS, IISWBM,  IEM.  There have 71 private MBA Colleges in Kolkata and 15 government MBA colleges in Kolkata out of 86 MBA colleges in Kolkata. NSOU Kolkata offers the best distance learning MBA program in Kolkata. 

Top Government MBA Colleges in Kolkata with low fees

  1. IISWBM Kolkata – Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management
  2. IIM Calcutta – Indian Institute of Management
  3. Department of Business Management, University of Calcutta, Kolkata
  4. ISI Kolkata – Indian Statistical Institute
  5. Jadavpur University, Kolkata
  6. Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata
  7. WBUHS Kolkata – West Bengal University of Health Sciences
  8. IHM Kolkata – Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition
  9. All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Kolkata

Top Government MBA Colleges in Kolkata with their Course Fee

Here are a few government MBA colleges in Kolkata, along with their fees:

Top Government MBA CollegesCourse Fee (Annual)
IIM Calcutta FeesINR 22.6 Lakh
Goenka College of Commerce & Business Administration, Kolkata FeeINR 80,000 to INR 1,60,000

Some of these colleges are: Top Government MBA Colleges in Kolkata with low fees

The fees of around 36% colleges ranges between Rs 3-5 lakh. Some of these colleges are:

  • Indian Maritime University
  • FBS – Future Business School
  • Brainware University
  • Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management
  • Guru Nanak Institute of Hotel Management
  • Swami Vivekananda Institute of Management & Computer Science
  • Calcutta Institute of Engineering & Management

Approximately 12% MBA colleges have a moderately expensive fee structure that ranges between Rs 2-3 lakh. Some of these colleges are:

  • Calcutta Media Institute
  • Gandhi Institute of Management and Technology
  • Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management
  • International School of Hospitality Management
  • Eminent College of Management and Technology
  • Genesis Institute of Management and Technology

The fees of around 7% colleges is between Rs 1-2 lakh. Some of these colleges are:

  • Eminent College of Management and Technology
  • Calcutta University
  • BSE Institute Limited Kolkata
  • Candid School of Communication
  • Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management

Only around 8% MBA colleges in Kolkata are economical with a fee structure of less than Rs 1 lakh. These colleges are:

  • Calcutta University
  • University of Kalyani
  • Nightingale Institute of Management Studies
  • Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management
  • Hollywood Institute of Hotel Management

Top Government MBA Colleges in Kolkata with low fees | MBA in Kolkata with Fees

Wide range of MBA fee options for doing MBA in Kolkata at low and high fee are available. The MBA in Kolkata with fees has a wide range as there are colleges with low fee, moderate fee and high MBA fees.

MBA CollegeType of MBA CollegeMBA College Fee
( Lakhs)
Indian Institute of Management (IIM) CalcuttaCentral Govt. Created oldest IIM22.6
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) KolkataIIFT University MBA college16.5
International Management Institute (IMI) KolkataAICTE Approved PGDM College12.41
Management Development Institute (MDI) MurshidabadAICTE Approved PGDM College11.5
Indian Institute of Social Welfare & Business Management (IISWBM), KolkataAutonomous- Affiliated to Calcutta University6
Globsyn Business School (GBS) KolkataAICTE Approved PGDM College7.95
Calcutta Business School (CBS) KolkataAICTE Approved PGDM College6.85
Xavier Business School (XBS) KolkataSt.Xavier University MBA college10.4
Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM), KolkataAffiliated to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT)6.4
Praxis Business School, KolkataAICTE Approved PGDM College9.27

Govt MBA Colleges in Kolkata | List of government MBA colleges in Kolkata 

The list of Government MBA colleges in Kolkata fees is provided below.

Name of the CollegeAverage Annual Fees(INR)
Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Calcutta23,00,000 (Total fees)
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata10,00,000
Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur5.72 Lakhs
NIT Durgapur - National Institute of Technology96,000
Indian Institute of Social Welfare & Business Management (IISWBM), Kolkata3.09 Lakhs
Department of Business Management, University of Calcutta16,500
MAKAUT Kolkata1.00 Lakhs
NIPER Kolkata1.65 Lakhs
WBUHS Kolkata1.2 Lakhs
IBRAD Kolkata1.1 Lakhs

Private MBA Colleges in Kolkata

Here is the list of the Private MBA Colleges in Kolkata which is given below:

Private CollegesCourse Fee (in Rs)
Praxis Business School (PBS), Kolkata7.57 L
Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management (IISWBM), Kolkata75 K - 6 L
Adamas University5.17 L
NSHM Knowledge Campus, Kolkata6.15 L
Institute of Management Study (IMS), Kolkata2.35 L - 3.75 L

Cheapest MBA Colleges in Kolkata

There is Cheapest MBA Colleges in Kolkata. They provide good placement with low fees structure. It is quite difficult to find a good college with low fees at these MBA colleges in Kolkata, as their course fees range from Rs 0.06 Lakhs to Rs 17.70 Lakhs. Here is the list of Cheapest MBA Colleges in Kolkata which is given below:

Name of CollegeCourse fees
(in Rs.)
IISWBM KolkataRs. 3.65 lakhs
NSHM KolkataRs. 6.68 lakhs
FIEM KolkataRs. 4.96 lakhs
Department of Business Management, University of CalcuttaRs. 0.06 lakhs
IBM KolkataRs. 3.90 lakhs
St Mary's Technical Campus, KolkataRs. 1.20 lakhs
Institute of International Trade, KolkataRs. 3.50 lakhs
Institute of Management Study, KolkataRs. 3.75 lakhs
Brainware University, KolkataRs. 3.80 lakhs
Guru Nanak Institute of Hotel Management, KolkataRs. 3.48 lakhs

MBA Colleges in Kolkata without Entrance Exam

The entrance exam scores are used to determine admission to the majority of India’s top MBA colleges. However, some students are unable to take the entrance exams or do not receive sufficient marks to be admitted. In such cases, aspirants can enroll in colleges that offer direct admission. The following are the MBA colleges in Kolkata without entrance exam:

Name of MBA college or universityFee Structure
Techno India University, Kolkata-
Pailan College of Management and Technology3.60 lakhs
Centre for Management Studies, JIS College of Engineering, Kalyani, Kalyani4.98 Lakhs
Heritage Business School6.93 Lakhs
Jyotirmoy School of Business (JSB, Kolkata)4.25 lakhs
Institute of Business Management and Research (IBMR Kolkata)3.75 Lakhs
University of Engineering and Management (UEM)4.50 Lakhs
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Institute of Management Science (BVBIMS)5.51 Lakhs
Institute of Engineering and Management4.50 Lakhs
IMS Business School3 Lakhs

Is MBA Direct Admission in Kolkata, West Bengal a good option?

Kolkata is a Multi-culture and Bilingual capital city of West Bengal where it houses fortune Companies. Therefore a most preferred Destination route to Success among Aspiring MBA Students.

Direct MBA admission Kolkata is offering private B-School, College and private deemed universities.

Finally, the MBA Direct admission in Kolkata option is good for those who do not want to migrate to far-off places to pursue an MBA course. So as to study in fewer fees Structure and save hostel expenses.

MBA Direct Admission in Kolkata Courses, Fees, and Colleges:

MBA Direct Admission in Kolkata

Here is a list of MBA colleges in Kolkata. Direct Admission accepts poor admission scores and also offers Direct MBA Admission Kolkata without the need for an entrance exam. The same list is provided for MBA institutions in Kolkata that do not require the CAT or MAT-:

MBA Colleges in KolkataCoursesfees Structure
Calcutta Business School (CBS)PGDM6.85 Lakh
Footwear Design & Development Institute (FDDI Kolkata)MSc2.85 Lakh
Globsyn Business School (GBS)PGDM6.75 Lakh
JIS UniversityMaster of Business Administration4.25 lakh
Narula Institute of TechnologyMBA4.16 Lakh
International Management Institute (IMI – K)PGDM14.67 lakh
Brainware UniversityMaster of Business Administration3.39 lakh
Eminent College of Management and Technology (ECMT)MBA1.54 Lakh
Regent Education & Research Foundation3.75 Lakh
Budge Budge Institute of Technology (BBIT)3.30 Lakh


Please note (very important for everyone ) that all colleges on the list are not offering management seating quotas. Admission is solely on merit. So We provide MBA/PGDM Admission is subject to the availability of management quota/institute level Free vacant seats in Private Colleges/Universities/Institute. 

The list above of Top MBA Colleges in Kolkata is for solely listing purposes. They recruit students following the correct selection process and do not offer MBA Direct Admission to Kolkata or grant Direct MBA Admission without Entrance Examination. Students must go to college themselves to apply for admission. Students who are interested in admission to MBA with low entry scores in Kolkata might even have to take a college self-aptitude test.

Top 10 MBA colleges in Kolkata

West Bengal features in the top five states for MBA in India according to students’ enthusiasm. This is mostly due to the numerous popular MBA colleges located in Kolkata. A few of them include Indian Institute of Management ( IIM Calcutta), Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management ( IISWBM), Vinod Gupta School of Management located at IIT Kharagpur as well as the Institute of Engineering and Management (IEM).

Kolkata is among the first cities to undergo a modernization in India. Due to this, it’s home to 

some of the first management institutes in India including St. Xavier’s College, established in the year 1860. Indian Institute of Foreign Trade ( IIFT) Kolkata was granted its Kolkata campus in 1963. They both St Xavier’s and IIFT Kolkata remain top contenders on the rankings of best MBA schools that are located in Kolkata.

The fairly well-known MBA colleges in Kolkata include names like IMI (established in the year 2010), Globsyn Business School (established 2002), Praxis Business School (established 2007), Calcutta Business School (established in 2008) along with Heritage Business School (established 2003), Bengal Insitute of Business Studies (established in 2008)

Admission requirements for the top MBA institutions in Kolkata

Majority of the top MBA colleges in Kolkata require a good score in CAT/MAT/XAT/GMAT/JEMAT. If you’re planning for one of the exams to qualify for admission, then examine the CAT percentiles, Math, XAT, and MAT.

Top MBA colleges in Kolkata

West Bengal features in the top five states for MBA in India according to students’ enthusiasm. This is mostly due to the numerous popular MBA colleges located in Kolkata. A few of them include Indian Institute of Management ( IIM Calcutta), Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management ( IISWBM), Vinod Gupta School of Management located at IIT Kharagpur as well as the Institute of Engineering and Management (IEM).

Kolkata is among the first cities to undergo a modernisation in India. Due to this, it’s home to some of the first management institutes in India including St. Xavier’s College, established in the year 1860. Indian Institute of Foreign Trade ( IIFT) Kolkata was granted its Kolkata campus in 1963. They both St Xavier’s and IIFT Kolkata remain top contenders on the rankings of best MBA schools that are located in Kolkata.

The fairly well-known MBA colleges in Kolkata include names like IMI (established in the year 2010), Globsyn Business School (established 2002), Praxis Business School (established 2007), Calcutta Business School (established in 2008) along with Heritage Business School (established 2003), Bengal Insitute of Business Studies (established in 2008)

Admission requirements for the top MBA institutions in Kolkata

Majority of the top MBA colleges in Kolkata require a good score in CAT/MAT/XAT/GMAT/JEMAT. If you’re planning for one of the exams to qualify for admission, then examine the CAT percentiles, Math, XAT, and MAT.

Here is the list of Top MBA colleges in Kolkata and the total tuition fees of the Masters of Business Administration (MBA) program charged by colleges in Kolkata:

RankingName of the CollegeMBA Total Tuition Fees ( INR)
1Indian Institute of Management, (IIM) Calcutta15,15,000
2Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, [IISWBM] Kolkata4,83,000
3Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management, [EIILM] Kolkata4,95,000
4Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Institute of Management Science, Kolkata5,51,000
5Swami Vivekananda Institute of Science and Technology, Kolkata4,15,000

Best Private MBA colleges in Kolkata

MBA Colleges in Kolkata with NIRF Ranking

Candidates can check the list of top MBA colleges in Kolkata with NIRF 2020

Top MBA CollegesNIRF Ranking 2020
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta3
International Management Institute52

List of Top Private and Government MBA Colleges in Kolkata

There are approximately 85 MBA colleges in Kolkata which offer MBA courses, out of these 62 colleges are private, 9 are public and rest are public/private. Here is the list of some of the top private and public MBA colleges in Kolkata:

List of Private MBA Colleges in Kolkata

Private CollegesCourse Fee (in Rs)
Praxis Business School (PBS), Kolkata7.57 L
Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management (IISWBM), Kolkata75 K - 6 L
Adamas University5.17 L
NSHM Knowledge Campus, Kolkata6.15 L
Institute of Management Study (IMS), Kolkata2.35 L - 3.75 L

List of Public/Government Colleges in Kolkata

Public CollegesCourse Fee (in Rs)
Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Calcutta, Kolkata16.2 L - 20 L
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), Kolkata16.25 L
Calcutta University16.51 K - 1.76 L
University of Kalyani (KU), Kolkata50 K
Footwear Design and Development Institute (FDDI), Kolkata5.18 L

ROI of Top MBA Colleges in Kolkata

The term “return on investment” refers to the benefit of placements split by the program costs. Candidates can know the colleges which has high or low return on investment. It is critical for students to know the institute/college to apply to.

College NameCourse Fee in Rs.Average salary (in Rs LPA)
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) Kolkata18.25 lakhs18.01
Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Calcutta20 - 24 lakhs25.36
International Management Institute (IMI) Kolkata13 lakhs6.9
Management Development Institute (MDI) Murshidabad10.42 lakhs9.03
Indian Institute of Social Welfare & Business Management (IISWBM), Kolkata75 k - 6 lakhs5.8

Top Motivators for MBA Study in Kolkata

In Kolkata, the climate surrounding education has undergone significant change. Eastern India's educational hub might be stated to be Kolkata. In Kolkata, there are about 90 management colleges. Better placements and compensation are guaranteed by the area's proximity to several sectors. Kolkata serves as the home of the Reserve Bank of India's Eastern Regional Office. ITC Limited, Emami, Eveready Industries India, Birla Corporation, Larsen & Toubro, Exide Industries, Lux Industries, Britannia Industries, and other significant manufacturing companies are based in the city. A public sector bank, Allahabad Bank is headquartered in Kolkata.

Eligibility for Top MBA Colleges in Kolkata

Students who want to enrol in MBA programmes at colleges in Kolkata must meet the requirements. The applicant must have successfully completed their undergraduate education at any accredited university and must have earned a cumulative grade during that time.

To be eligible for an MBA in Kolkata, candidates must have completed their undergraduate degrees from a recognised university with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 50%.

The best colleges in Kolkata also accept applications from students who are in their final year of undergraduate study for the MBA degree.

Kolkata's Top MBA Colleges, Organized by Specialities

Studying MBA programmes in various specialisations is possible at the best MBA colleges in Kolkata. The MBA specialisations available in Kolkata are listed below.

Kolkata's Top MBA Finance Colleges

The top MBA Finance colleges in Kolkata are listed here.

IMI Kolkata - International Management Institute
Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management
AIM - Army Institute of Management
Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
ICFAI Business School (IBS), Kolkata

Kolkata's Top MBA Operations Colleges

Candidates can begin their careers as supply chain managers and operations managers in e-commerce and other sectors. The colleges offering an MBA in Kolkata are listed below.

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
Calcutta Business School
Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management College 
ICFAI Business School (IBS), Kolkata
IMI Kolkata - International Management Institute

Kolkata's Top MBA Marketing Schools

Candidates may begin working in positions such as asset manager, brand manager, channel head, competitive marketer, or analytical marketer.

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Calcutta
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) Kolkata
Praxis Business School, Kolkata
Management Development Institute (MDI) Murshidabad
Institute of Engineering & Management (IEM), Kolkata

Distance Learning colleges in Kolkata

College NameTotal Tuition Fees (INR)
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology [MAKAUT]Salt Lake City, Kolkata-
Institute of Management Technology- Center for Distance Learning (IMT CDL)Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata2,00,000
NSOU - Netaji Subhas Open University Bhawanipur, Kolkata8,30,000
ICFAI University – Distance Education A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata65000
Centre for Continuing Education, UPES Kolkata1,50,000

Top Recruiters 

  • Ikea
  • Walmart
  • Lenskart
  • ITC
  • Future Group
  • Wipro
  • Asian paints
  • Raymond's
  • Nestle
  • Adani Wilmar
  • Godrej
  • Deloitte
  • Aditya Birla
  • ITC Limited
  • Bajaj
  • Decathlon
  • Birla Sun Life
  • HDFC Bank
  • Amazon
  • Dabur
  • Phillips
  • Honda
  • Deloitte

Top 20 Colleges in Kolkata

RankingCollege NameEligibilitySelection ProcessAverage Fees
India Today- 101Calcutta Business School (CBS), Kolkata50% marks or equivalent CGPA in graduationCAT/ MAT/ XAT Score + PIINR 7.45 Lakhs
India Today- 109 (Overall)Techno Main Salt Lake-CAT/ JEMAT ScoresINR 5.17 Lakhs
India Today- 142Adamas University, Kolkata50% aggregate in 10th, 10+2, and 60% in UG from any recognized or equivalentCAT / MAT / XAT / AUAT qualifiedINR 5.80 Lakhs
India Today- 152Eastern Institute For Integrated Learning In Management - [EIILM], Kolkata-CAT/ MAT/ ATMA/ VUMAT Score + GD + PI + MeritINR 6 Lakhs
India Today- 169IBS Kolkata50% marks or equivalent CGPA in graduationIBSAT/ CAT/ NMAT/ SNAP/ XAT/ MAT/ CMAT Score or any other State Level Test + GD + PIINR 9.09 Lakhs
India Today- 219Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Institute Of Management Science - [BIMS], Kolkata-MAT/ JEMAT + GD + PIINR 5.51 Lakhs
India Today- 24IISWBM, Kolkata50% marks or equivalent CGPA in graduation
(45% in case of the candidates belonging to SC/ ST/ NC-OBC/ PwD)
CAT Scores + GD + PIINR 6 Lakhs
India Today- 279IMS, KolkataGraduation in any discipline from a recognized instituteCAT / CMAT / MAT / XAT / ATMA / JEMAT or any other National Level Entrance Test + GD/PIINR 5.15 Lakhs
NIRF- 3Indian Institute of Management Calcutta50% marks or equivalent CGPA in graduation (45% in case of the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste)CAT Scores + PI + Merit + WEINR 23 Lakhs
NIRF- 52International Management Institute, KolkataMinimum 50% marks in Class X, XII and GraduationCAT/XAT/MAT/CMAT Score + PI + Academic RecordSelf-Sponsored: INR 13 Lakhs
Sponsored: INR 15.78 Lakhs
TOI- 114Bengal Institute Of Business Studies50% marks or equivalent CGPA in graduation
(45% in case of the candidates belonging to the reserved category)
TOI- 142IQ City United World School Of Business, Kolkata50% marks or equivalent CGPA in graduationCAT / CMAT / MAT / XAT / ATMA / Any other National Level Entrance Test Score + GD + WAT + PT + PIINR 6.30 Lakhs
TOI- 29IEM Kolkata50% marks or equivalent CGPA in graduationCAT/ JEMAT or IEMJEE + GD + PIINR 6.40 Lakhs
TOI- 30Praxis Business School50% marks or equivalent CGPA in graduationCAT/ XAT/ CMAT/ MAT/ ATMA + Essay Writing + PIINR 8.51 Lakhs
TOI- 50UEM KolkataClass X: 70% and above
Class 10+2: 65% and above
Graduation: 70% and above for Engineering & 60% and above for Science / Management
Very good in Communication Skill
CAT / MAT / WBJEMAT / Any other National Level or State Level Exam with at least 85% + GD + PIINR 5.20 Lakhs
TOI- 67NSHM Business SchoolGraduation in any discipline from a recognized instituteMAT/ CAT/ XAT/ WBJEEMAT + GD + PIINR 6.35 Lakhs
TOI- 75JIS University, KolkataMinimum of 50%* marks in graduation as well as in the 10+2 levelJET (JIS University Entrance Exam/ CAT/ MAT/ XAT or any equivalent examination + GD +PI-
TOI- 86Swami Vivekananda Institute of Management and Computer Science50% marks or equivalent CGPA in graduation
(45% in case of the candidates belonging to the reserved category)
TOI: 126International School Of Business And Media (ISB&M)50% marks or equivalent CGPA in graduation
(45% in case of the candidates belonging to the reserved category)
CAT/ XAT/ MAT/ CMAT + GD + WT-PIINR 11.20 Lakhs

Frequently Asked Questions About Top Government MBA Colleges in Kolkata with Low Fees

Q. Which college has the best placement for MBA in Kolkata?

MBA CollegeAverage Salary in Placement (Rs. in Lakhs Per Annum)
Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Calcutta25.36
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) Kolkata18.01
International Management Institute (IMI) Kolkata6.9
Management Development Institute (MDI) Murshidabad9

Q. Which government MBA college has best placement? 

Ans. Top government MBA colleges in India according to placements

Q. What is the various specializations that are offered by MBA schools located in Kolkata? list of government MBA colleges in kolkata

Ans. The top 10 specializations that are offered by MBA institutions in Kolkata include:

Q. Which is the top college to study MBA in Kolkata Based on the how many students are enrolled?

Ans. The top five MBA institutions in Kolkata Based on placements:

  • Indian Institute of Foreign Trade Kolkata
  • Future Business School, Kolkata
  • Adamas University, Kolkata
  • Praxis Business School, Kolkata
  • IMI Kolkata

Q. What are the possible job descriptions after you have completed your MBA?

Ans. Some of the career opportunities provided after completion of an MBA include:

  • Finance Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Sales Manager
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Product Manager
  • Data Analytics Manager
  • Digital Marketing Manager
  • Advertising Sales Manager
  • NGO Manager

Q. How much is an expected cost for the study of MBA at Kolkata?

Ans. It is estimated that getting an MBA in Kolkata isn’t cheap since 37% of the schools charge more than 5 lakh. Some of these colleges include:

  • IIM Calcutta
  • Indian Institute of Foreign Trade Praxis Business School
  • NSHM Knowledge Campus
  • Adamas University
  • Heritage Business School
  • Footwear Design and Development Institute
  • Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management
  • St. Xavier’s University
  • Institute of Engineering and Management

Q. What is the most sought-after tests to be able to pass MBA candidates in Kolkata ?

Ans. Different exams that are that are accepted for admission to Kolkata in order to qualify for MBA admissions are MAT, the CAT exam, JEMAT, CMAT, ATMA, XAT FDDI AIST WLCI Aptitude Test, Amity JEE score, etc.

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