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MBA CAT Syllabus 2023

The CAT exam is a computer-based test that is given by the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) in India. It is offered to MBA students who have completed their course in any of the IITs, IIMs and other higher education institutes across India. The exam consists of two papers: Objective Type and Subject Type. The objective type paper has 120 questions while the subject type paper has 120 questions. Each question carries four marks (one mark for each correct answer).

The CAT exam was first introduced in 1973 by IIM Calcutta, and has since been administered at various times by different IIMs. The CAT Exam is conducted every year in July or August depending on the academic calendar of your institute.

The CAT 2023 exam will most likely be held on November 26. The exam will be held in three sessions across India, in approximately 156 cities. The dates for the CAT 2023 exam will be announced in July 2023, and registration will begin in August 2023.

Candidates who want to pursue an MBA from a top-tier B-School in India must take the CAT because approximately 1,200 MBA colleges accept the scores for admission to their PG management programs. The IIMs, MDI, SPJIMR, IMT, FMS, IM, IITs, GIM, GLIM, LIBA, NITIE, MICA, IRMA, KIIT SOM, BIMTech, AMU, JMI, and BHU are among the top MBA colleges that accept CAT scores for admission.

CAT Exam 2023 Highlights:

The CAT is a common aptitude test used to assess a candidate’s business aptitude, reasoning, analytical, and English skills. Check out the key highlights of CAT 2023 below.

ParticularsCAT 2023 Exam Details 
CAT Full FormCommon Admission Test (CAT) 
Exam scheduleNovember 26, 2023 (tentative)
CAT exam feesINR 2,200 (General category) and INR 1,100 (Reserved category)
Eligibility criteriaGraduation with 50 % aggregate (45 % for SC/ST students)
Application modeOnline
Application feesINR 2,200 for General categoryINR 1,100 for SC/ST/PwD
CAT syllabusVerbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)Quantitative Ability (QA)
CAT exam website

CAT Exam 2023 Dates-

CAT Exam EventsCAT 2023 Exam Dates (tentative)
Notification release31-July-2023
CAT 2023 registrations startFirst week of August, 2023
Registrations endThird week of September, 2023
CAT form correctionLast week of September, 2023
CAT 2023 admit card releaseLast week of October, 2023
CAT mock test link activationFourth week of October, 2022
CAT 2023 exam date26-Nov-2023
CAT 2023 answer key releaseFirst week of December 2023
Answer key challenge processFirst week of December 2023
CAT 2023 result declarationFirst week of January 2024

CAT Exam 2023 Eligibility Criteria-

The applicant must have a graduation grade point average of at least 50%. Students in their final year can also take the CAT exam. The CAT exam can be taken as many times as you want, and there is no age limit to apply.

Bachelor’s Degree from any institute (Recognized by UGC)50% aggregate marks (45% for SC/ ST/ PwD)
Engineering Degree- B.Tech/ B.E from any university (Recognized by AICTE/MHRD)50% aggregate marks (45% for SC/ ST/ PwD)
Students pursuing final year of degree examination50% aggregate marks (45% for SC/ ST/ PwD
  • The Reserved seats for OBC: 27%
  • The Reserved seats for SC Candidates: 15%
  • The Reserved seats for ST candidates: 7.5%
  • The Reserved seats for the person with disabilities: 3%

CAT 2023 Registration-

  • CAT application forms will only be available online at
  • The first step in applying for the exam is to register for the CAT.
  • Only candidates who meet the eligibility requirements will be permitted to apply.
  • Candidates must have a working email address and password in order to register for CAT 2023.
  • Candidates will need their Class 10, 12, bachelor’s degree, personal ID number (Aadhaar, Voter ID, Passport number, etc.), scanned photograph, scanned signature, and net banking details to fill out the CAT application form 2023.
  • Candidates must select IIMs and courses only on the CAT application form. They are not required to fill out separate IIMs forms for MBA admission.
  • The CAT application fee is non-refundable, and form correction will be available for only certain fields of the form.

Documents Required-

While filling out the application form, the candidate must also upload the required documents in the given format-

EWS/NC-OBC/SC/ST Certificatepdf
PwD Certificatepdf

Application Fee-

After filling all the details in the application form, the candidate must make the payment to complete the registration process.

  • For General, EWS and NC-OBC, the application fee is INR 2,200/-
  • For SC, ST and PwD, the application fee is INR 1,100/-
  • The fee can be paid through online mode only.
  • Before submitting the application form and making the payment, the candidate will be able to preview the complete form.
  • After successful payment, the candidates will receive a confirmation email within a few minutes.

CAT Exam 2023 Centres

Andhra PradeshTirupati
Andaman and Nicobar IslandsPort Blair
Arunachal PradeshItanagar
Greater Noida
New Delhi
Himachal PradeshShimla
Jammu and KashmirJammu
Madhya PradeshBhopal
Navi Mumbai
Karim Nagar
Tamil NaduMadurai
Uttar PradeshVaranasi
West BengalSiliguri

CAT 2023 Exam Pattern 

CAT 2023 exam pattern will be as follows:

Mode of ExaminationOnline (Computer-based)
Medium of ExaminationEnglish
Total Questions66
Time Allotted120 minutes
Questions Per SectionVARC: 24DILR: 20QA: 22
Time Allotted per Section40 minutes each
Type of QuestionsMCQs and TITA (Type in the Answer)
Marks Awarded for Correct Answer+3 for every right answer
Marks Deducted for Wrong Answer-1 for every wrong answer, TITA has no negative marking

CAT Exam 2023 Syllabus-

The CAT 2023 exam, like all previous CAT exams, is divided into three sections. While there is no set syllabus for the CAT exam, it is heavily focused on school-based mathematics and English. The three sections of the exam are divided as follows:

SectionNo. of QuestionsTime AllottedMain Topics
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)2440 minutesReading comprehension, parajumbles, parasummary, verbal reasoning, etc.
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)2040 minutesCharts, graphs, arrangements, blood relations, puzzles, etc.
Quantitative Aptitude (QA)2240 minutesAlgebra, arithmetic, number systems, geometry, etc.

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)

  • Reading Comprehension, Sentence Correction, Fill in the blanks, Cloze Test, Sentence Completion, Word Usage, Error Spotting, Jumbled Words, etc.
  • Reading comprehension and verbal ability are the two main components of the VARC section. The reading comprehension section of the VARC is important because it includes paragraphs of varying lengths with MCQ and TITA questions. The verbal ability section includes parajumbles, odd sentences, and so on.

Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)

  • Coding & Decoding, Venn Diagram, Seating Arrangement, Logical Sequence, Graphs, Tables, Puzzles, Blood Relations, Data Sufficiency, Charts, Tables, Binary Logic.
  • Data Interpretation is a collection of questions based on various charts, graphs, and other forms of data presentation. The data for the answers must be extracted directly from the provided charts. The logical reasoning section also includes sets of questions about seating arrangements, blood relations, puzzles, and so on.

Quantitative Ability (QA)

  • Algebra, Probability & Statistics, Mensuration, Profit & Loss, Geometry, Simple & Compound Interest, Permutation & Combination, Number System, Sequence & Series, etc.
  • This section focuses on mathematics because the QA syllabus is entirely based on school math. LCM and HCF, trigonometry, mensuration, probability, and other topics are covered. The IIMs have reduced the difficulty of this section in recent years.

CAT Syllabus 2022 Revisions and Changes

The CAT 2022 Exam Syllabus has been updated to reflect changes in the CAT pattern and structure. Given IIMs’ reputation for introducing changes to the CAT exam every year, a few changes are introduced in the CAT syllabus 2022 as the exam pattern for CAT is also changed. The CAT syllabus has been changed again this year, with fewer questions in the exam.

Changes to the CAT Syllabus in 2022

The CAT 2022 syllabus has been revised and now follows a different pattern and structure. There have been significant changes to the CAT syllabus.

i) The CAT will be divided into three sections with fewer questions

ii) Sectional weightage in the CAT syllabus is as follows:

  • Section-1: VARC – 34% weightage
  • Section-2: DILR – 32% wightage
  • Section-3: Quant – 34% weightage

iii) Questions on topics such as sentence correction, fill in the blanks, and sentence completion are no longer included in the CAT exam.

iv) The number of sections is increased from two to three, and DILR is now a single section. It is given a lot of weight in the IIM shortlisting process, and you must clear the cut offs in this section as well as the other two.

v) The CAT exam now includes 25% to 28% questions with no negative marking. The topics for non-MCQ questions are the same as for MCQ questions with negative marking.

Best CAT Preparation Books-

There are numerous books available on the market for CAT preparation. Candidates must exercise caution when selecting books to read. Experts advise that CAT syllabus preparation books be comprehensive, have up-to-date exam patterns, and include question banks. Take a look at the list of best books for CAT exam, which has been carefully curated after reviewing all available options and consulting our CAT experts.

1) CAT Books for Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)

  • CAT Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning- Gautam Puri
  • Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT-Nishit K Sinha
  • Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency- Ananta Ashisha
  • How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT- Arun Sharma

2) CAT Books for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)

  • How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT- Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay/Arihant
  • How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT- Sharma and Upadhyay
  • 30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary Mass Market Paperback- Wilfred Funk & Norman Lewis/ Simon & Schuster
  • High School English Grammar & Composition- Wren & Martin 

3) CAT Books for Quantitative Aptitude (QA)

  • NCERT Mathematics Books (Class 9 to 10)- NCERT
  • How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT- Arun Sharma
  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations- Abhijit Guha
  • Quantitative Aptitude for CAT- Nishit Sinha
  • Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT- Sarvesh Sharma

How and when to start preparing for CAT Exam 2023?

According to previous years, over 2 lakh candidates register for the CAT exam each year, and nearly 2 lakh take it. As a result, admission to the top B-schools is extremely competitive. As a result, preparations for the CAT exam must be relentless, with a study plan in place. Here are some pointers to help you prepare for the CAT 2023 exam:

  • Prepare a Study Strategy: Divide the syllabus into sections and phases based on the amount of time you have for preparation. Set aside time each day for CAT preparation and stick to it. You must ensure that each section of the paper receives adequate attention.
  • Establish the Fundamentals: Identify the concepts that you are unfamiliar with or struggle with the most. Devote time to each section’s various topics and establish your understanding at the start of your CAT preparations.
  • Select the Preparation Mode: You can study independently or enroll in a CAT coaching program. A coaching program will walk you through the entire preparation process. Remember to consult the appropriate books and materials for your preparation if you choose to self-study.
  • Mock Exams: As your preparation improves, consider administering mock exams. Mock exams will assist you in identifying your weaknesses and strengths. It will allow you to improve on your weaker areas.

When to start preparing for CAT 2023?

The tentative CAT 2023 exam date is in November, and if you plan to take the exam, you should begin CAT preparation in March-April. However, if you begin preparing now, you will be able to pass. All you have to do is make four-month plans from August to November.

CAT Exam 2023 Admit Card-

The CAT 2023 admit card will be available in October 2023. Here are a few details to remember in this regard:

  • Candidates who have successfully registered for the exam can download their admit cards.
  • Candidates can obtain their admit cards by visiting the official website and entering their registration ID and password. The admit card would then be available for download.
  • The admit card will include the test location, date, and other exam information.
  • On the day of the examination, candidates must bring their admit cards with them.

CAT Exam 2023 Results-

The CAT results will be posted on the official website in December. The results of the CAT 2023 will be valid until December 2024.

Cut-offs for the 2024-26 batch will also be released by the IIMs. There is no centralized counseling for the CAT exam because each IIM has its own procedure for interviews and subsequent admission rounds.

Frequently Asked Questions-

Q) What are the subjects for CAT exam?

Ans. The syllabus of CAT 2022 exam includes all the important topics from these four subjects: Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning and Quantitative Ability. The candidates need to focus mainly on Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic, Tables, Graphs, Venn Diagram, Blood Relation, Number Series, Coding-Decoding, Reading Comprehension, Parajumbles and Verbal Ability.

Q) Does CAT syllabus change every year?

Ans. The CAT syllabus remains the same every year. In fact, the syllabus has remained the same since the inception of the exam. However, the distribution of questions within each section of the question paper changes every year. For example, if in one year Algebra dominates the QA section then the next year, Arithmetic dominates it.

Q) Is CAT exam tough for MBA?

Ans. Common Admission Test, abbreviated as CAT, is a national-level MBA Entrance Test conducted by IIMs for admission into various MBA specializations. The CAT exam’s competition level is a little more challenging than the other MBA exam, as more than 2 Lakhs (approx) candidates appear for this exam every year.

Q) Which section of CAT exam is the toughest?

Ans. Although CAT exam is tough overall, it has been seen over the years that most test takers find VARC tough, as the Reading Comprehension passages are long and tricky. At times, reasoning questions also turn out to be lengthy and time consuming. 

Q) What is the duration of CAT exam?

Ans. The duration of CAT exam is 120 minutes (two hours). For each section, 40 minutes have been allotted. For PwD candidates the total time allotted is 180 minutes, with sectional time-limit of 53 minutes.

Q) What are the fees of the CAT exam?

Ans. Fees for the general category are Rs. 2000/- and Rs. 1000/- for SC/ST/PWD applicants.

Q) Is there any age limit for taking the CAT exam?

Ans. No, there is no age limit for taking the CAT exam.

Q) Can I bring my own calculator to the test center?

Ans. No, physical calculators are strictly prohibited. Rather you can use an on-screen calculator.

Q) Is 3 months enough for CAT?

Ans. The aspirants must attempt a decent number of CAT mock tests to analyze their mistakes. If the candidates follow an effective study plan, then 3 months would be enough to prepare for the CAT exam.

Q) How can I get 99 percentile in CAT?

Ans. How to Get a CAT 2022 Score of 99+ Percentile

  1. Find Out Your Strengths and Weaknesses.
  2. Practice Solving Questions.
  3. Work on Time Management.
  4. Check CAT Exam Analysis.
  5. Check CAT Toppers Tips.
  6. Check Our CAT Preparation Tips.

Q) Is 600 hours enough for CAT?

Ans. CAT preparation requires roughly around 300 to 500 hours of serious preparation time.

MBA Government Colleges in Gujarat

Gujarat is home to nearly 170 MBA colleges. Nearly 81 per cent of the total MBA colleges in Gujarat are run intimately. Around 17 per cent of the total MBA colleges positioned in Gujarat are run with ownership of the Government. The remaining MBA colleges of Gujarat are run inclusively by private and government bodies. 

Top 10 MBA Colleges in Gujarat:-

Gujarat is home to some of the best Management colleges in India. Top-ranked MBA colleges in Gujarat such as IIM Ahmedabad are ranked by various International Ranking agencies like QS World University Rankings, Financial Times, etc. Tabulated below are the top 10 MBA colleges in Gujarat with MBA seats:

College Name MBA seats
IIM Ahmedabad – Indian Institute of Management50+
Institute of Management, Nirma University711+
L.J. Institute of Management Studies420+
GLS University60+
Amrut Mody School of Management, Ahmedabad University175+
Indus University180+
Silver Oak University870+
SKIPS – St. Kabir Institute of Professional Studies180+
Institute of Rural Management, Anand240+
Faculty of Management Studies, Baroda, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda160+

Top MBA Colleges in Gujarat: Rankings

Every year, various ranking agencies like NIRF, Economic Times, Business Today, The Week, and many more releases the list of top engineering colleges. These rankings are based on different parameters like – Teaching, Learning & Resources, Graduation Outcomes, Facilities, and many more.

Mentioned below are some of the rankings for Top MBA colleges in Gujarat from top-ranking agencies in India.

Top MBA Colleges in Gujarat: NIRF Ranking 2022

National Institutional Ranking Framework also known as NIRF  is a methodology adopted by the Indian government to rank top Education institutions in India. NIRF ranks an Institute based on 5 different parameters. It is under the Ministry of Education. Every year NIRF publishes ranking lists of top Institutions in India for 8 different domains. NIRF is the most trustworthy and popular Ranking agency in India. of top MBA colleges in Gujarat according to NIRF rankings.

As mentioned above NIRF ranks a college based on 5 major parameters which carry different weightage to get a ranking. The following chart shows the weightage allocated to different parameters considered by NIRF for the ranking of top colleges in India.

Based on the factors mentioned above,

  • NIRF has ranked a total of 6 colleges from Gujarat as top MBA colleges in India
  • IIM Ahmedabad is ranked as the top MBA college in Gujarat and India.
NIRF Ranking 2022College NameNIRF Score
1IIM Ahmedabad – Indian Institute of Management83.35
45Institute of Management, Nirma University52.00
58Institute of Rural Management, Anand49.67
89School of Petroleum Management, Pandit Deendayal Energy University43.77
99Gujarat University41.94

MBA Colleges in Gujarat Highlights

The table below mentions crucial highlights of the best MBA colleges in Gujarat. 

Number of MBA colleges in GujaratAround 170 colleges
Annual fees– Annual fees < INR 1 lakh: 14.1 per cent of colleges
– Annual fees b/w INR 1 lakh to INR 2 lakh: 47.44 per cent of colleges
Top specialisationsHuman Resources, Finance, Sales & Marketing, International Business, IT & Systems, Operations, Business Analytics, Entrepreneurship, etc.
Admission processEntrance-based
Institute of National ImportanceIIM Ahmedabad – Indian Institute of Management

Masters of Business Administration or MBA is a two- time professional degree that provides candidates with theoretical and practical skills to manage a business. MBA degree is delivered via multiple modes similar as online MBA, distance MBA, part- time MBA/ PGDM, etc. Campaigners holding a bachelor’s level degree or fellow are eligible for the course. Campaigners across streams, including Science, Arts and Commerce can get admission into the PG professional degree to enhance their business acumen. An MBA degree can considerably increase the chance of a seeker to get a job with a handsome pay package. 

MBA admission across the globe is generally grounded on the merit of an entrance test. Different colleges accept different entrance examinations for MBA admission. MBA colleges in Gujarat accept scores of public level entrance examinations similar as CATCMATMATXATATMA, among others. 

Top MBA Colleges in Gujarat with Fee Structure:-

The top MBA colleges in Gujarat offer MBA courses with an average fee between INR 30,000 – 30 Lakhs. IIM Ahmedabad and MICA Ahmedabad are the most expensive MBA colleges in Gujarat. Parul University and MSU Vadodara are the top MBA colleges in Gujarat with fewer fees. Check out the list below for the top MBA colleges in Gujarat with fees structure:

College Name Average Fees (INR)
IIM Ahmedabad – Indian Institute of Management16,99,000
Institute of Management, Nirma University7,61,000
L.J. Institute of Management Studies2,16,000
Parul University1,48,000
Dr. Subhash University1,28,000
Amrut Mody School of Management, Ahmedabad University3,04,000
Indus University1,64,000
Amity Global Business School, Ahmedabad5,05,000
SKIPS – St. Kabir Institute of Professional Studies4,95,000
Institute of Rural Management, Anand15,17,000

MBA Colleges in Gujarat Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility conditions for MBA degrees might change across colleges. Still, the introductory eligibility criteria for admission to MBA colleges in Gujarat are as follows. 

Campaigners must have a bachelorette’s degree, irrespective of the discipline or course, from a recognised institute/ university.

Some MBA colleges in Gujarat have minimal qualifying criteria of 50 per cent total for unreserved order campaigners and 45 per cent total for reserved order campaigners. 

Campaigners who are staying for the final semester test results can also apply for MBA admission. 

MBA Colleges in Gujarat with NIRF Ranking and Shiksha Rating (Aggregate) 

Several agencies including India Today, the WEEK, NIRF, among others rank institutes across India. NIRF is an action by the MoE to rank educational institutes of India across aqueducts grounded on the following parameters. 

Teaching, Learning and Resources 

Research and Professional Practices 

Graduation Outcomes 

Outreach and Inclusivity 

Course Perception 

Besides, NIRF,  total standing also helps applicants choose the stylish MBA council for them. Parameters on which the standing is grounded are faculty, value for money, curriculum, placements, structure, and campus life. 

Top colleges ranked by NIRF with the  total standing are tabulated below.

Name of CollegeNIRF 21 Ranking
IIM Ahmedabad – Indian Institute of Management1
Institute of Rural Management, Anand55
School of Petroleum Management, Pandit Deendayal Energy University66
Institute of Management, Nirma University76 – 100

List of Top Private and Government MBA Colleges in Gujarat

Private and public MBA colleges in Gujarat both run with the help of education fees and other sources of funding. Funding sources other than education fee is one of the identifying factors for power. Private MBA colleges in Gujarat are incompletely funded by private individualities, donations, and endowments. Still, a major part of the backing for public MBA colleges in Gujarat comes from the State or Central Government. Space below provides a list of a many private and government MBA colleges in Gujarat with the course fees.

List of Private MBA Colleges in Gujarat

Name of Private MBA College
Narayana Business School
Institute of Management, Nirma University
Parul University
Indus University

List of Public MBA Colleges in Gujarat

Name of Public MBA College
IIM Ahmedabad – Indian Institute of Management
MSU – The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
DDU – Dharmsinh Desai University
GNLU Gandhinagar (NLU) – Gujarat National Law University

Top Recruiters for MBA Graduates

MBA graduates from all domains are in high demand. Below is the list of few top companies in Gujarat that recruit MBA postgraduates along with their placement ratings:

2 year full-time PGDMRs.19,25,100240
2 years full-time PGDMHRMRs.19,25,10060
2 years full-time PGDM-B&FSRs.19,25,10060

ROI of Top MBA Colleges in Gujarat

Return on Investment or ROI in terms of opting MBA colleges in Gujarat is a metric value deduced from a comparison of the MBA course figure of a council positioned in Gujarat and the average placement offer entered by the scholars of a particular council. Campaigners invest the plutocrat as an MBA course figure and generally expect a good placement package in return. 

Analysing the RoI of a council helps campaigners get a better value for money from an MBA council in Gujarat. IIM Ahmedabad, MICA, Nirma University, are among the top MBA colleges in Gujarat with good ROI. The table below mentions top MBA colleges in Gujarat with course fees and average placement package

Name of MBA College in GujaratCourse Fee (In Rs)Average Placement Package (In Rs)
IIM Ahmedabad – Indian Institute of Management23 L26.13 LPA
Institute of Rural Management, Anand15.17 L10.80 LPA
MICA, Ahmedabad21 L13.9 LPA
Institute of Management, Nirma University10.04 L8.70 LPA
MSU – The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda1.27 L4.5 LPA

Nearly 47 per cent of the total MBA colleges in Gujarat have a course fee between INR 1 lakh and INR 2 lakh. Some of these colleges are

  • Parul University
  • Indus University
  • L.J. Institute of Engineering and Technology (L.J.I.E.T)
  • Chimanbhai Patel Institute of Management and Research (CPIMR)
  • ITM (SLS) Baroda University
  • Around 15 per cent of the MBA colleges in Gujarat have a course fee that ranges from INR 2 lakh to INR 3 lakh. Some of these colleges include
  • K.K.Parekh Institute of Management Studies
  • Institute Of Advanced Research
  • V.M. Patel Institute of Management, Ganpat University
  • AURO University
  • Silver Oak University

Roughly 14 per cent of all the MBA colleges in Gujarat have course fees below INR 1 lakh. Some of these colleges include

  • SPU-Sardar Patel University
  • Gujarat Technological University
  • Gujarat Institute of Hotel Management
  • HNGU-Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University
  • International Agribusiness Management Institute, Anand Agricultural University

About 13 per cent of the MBA colleges in Gujarat have course fees above INR 5 lakh. Some of these colleges are as follows

  • ICFAI Business School (IBS), Ahmedabad
  • AIDTM-Adani Institute of Digital Technology Management
  • Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India
  • Shanti Business School (SBS)
  • Amity Global Business School, Ahmedabad

Around 10 per cent of the MBA colleges in Gujarat have a course fee between INR 3 lakh to INR 5 lakh. Some of these colleges include 

  • Ahmedabad Institute of Hospitality Management
  • National Rail and Transportation Institute
  • P.P. Savani University
  • SKIPS-St. Kabir Institute of Professional Studies
  • GLS University

SKIPS – St. Kabir Institute of Professional Studies

MBA/PGDM Courses

  • 1 Course (180+ Seats)


  • CAT
  • CMAT
  • MAT
  • XAT
  • ATMA

Total Fees

  • ₹ 4.95 L

Median Salary

Course Rating

  • 4.225


  • Top 25 in Gujarat

Parul University Vadodara

MBA/PGDM Courses

  • 21 Courses (23+ Seats)


  • CMAT

Total Fees

  • ₹ 1.48 L

Median Salary

Course Rating


IIM Ahmedabad – Indian Institute of Management Vastrapur, Ahmedabad

MBA/PGDM Courses

  • 2 Courses (50+ Seats)


  • CAT

Total Fees

  • ₹ 23 L

Median Salary

  • ₹ 25 LPA

Course Rating

  • 4.732


  • #1 NIRF

Institute of Management, Nirma University
S.G Highway, Ahmedabad

MBA/PGDM Courses

  • 6 Courses (738+ Seats)


  • CAT
  • JEE Main

Total Fees

  • ₹ 8.14 L – 17.95 L

Median Salary

  • ₹ 9.5 LPA

Course Rating

  • 3.9155


  • #76-100 NIRF

Faculty of Management Studies, Baroda (FMS, Baroda) Vadodara

MBA/PGDM Courses

  • 1 Course (160+ Seats)


  • CAT
  • CMAT

Total Fees


Median Salary

  • ₹ 3 LPA

Course Rating

  • 3.812


  • #25 

MSU Baroda – Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Fees ₹ 29,000

Exams CMAT

Department of Business and Industrial Management, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat


Fees ₹ 43,000

BK School of Business Management, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad


Fees ₹ 24,000

 Exams CMAT

Gujarat Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar

MBA Cyber Security Management

Fees ₹ 2,40,000

Anand Agricultural University, Anand

MBA Agribusiness Management

Fees ₹ 39,200

GNLU Gandhinagar – Gujarat National Law University

MBA Financial Management and Business Law

Fees ₹ 3,46,000 


  • CAT
  • CMAT
  • MAT

Centre for Studies in Rural Management, Gujarat Vidyapith, Gandhinagar

MBA Rural Management

Fees ₹ 11,560

Smt RD Gardi Department of Business Management, Rajkot


Fees ₹ 63,780

Exams CMAT

DDU Nadiad – Dharmsinh Desai University


Fees ₹ 3,04,000

Exams CMAT

Graduate School of Management Studies, Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad

MBA International Business

Exams CMAT

NIPER Ahmedabad – National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research

MBA Pharmaceutical Management

Fees ₹ 3,51,660

Udaybhansinhji Regional Institute of Cooperative Management, Gandhinagar

PGDM Agriculture Business Management

Fees ₹ 2,34,000 


  •  CAT
  • CMAT
  • XAT
  • MAT
  • ATMA

Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari

MBA Agribusiness Management

Fees ₹ 41,800

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How do I get government seats for MBA?

  1. Common Admission Test (CAT)
  2. Common Management Aptitude Test (CMAT)
  3. Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
  4. Management Aptitude Test (MAT)
  5. AIMS Test for Management Admissions (ATMA)
  6. Xavier Admission Test (XAT)

2. Which college is best for MBA in Finance in Gujarat?

  • ITM Vocational University, Vadodara. 
  • MSU Baroda, Vadodara. 
  • Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar. 
  • Nirma University, Ahmedabad. 
  • Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhi Nagar.

3. How many government colleges are there in Gujarat?

Ans. This state is one of the top seven states with the highest number of colleges in the country. Education in Gujarat begins from school and is followed by colleges. The state is home to 65 government, central and private universities and over 2000 colleges.

4. Which MBA course is best?

  • MBA in Accounting. An MBA in Accounting prepares graduates to measure, analyse, interpret, and communicate economic data. 
  • MBA in Analytics Intelligence. 
  • MBA in Healthcare Management. 
  • MBA in Human Resources Management. 
  • MBA in Management. 
  • MBA in Marketing.

Amity University Mumbai Scholarships: Eligibility & Amount

Amity University Mumbai Scholarship

Amity University Mumbai Scholarships have been established to cultivate the talents of such students, strengthening the roots of the next generation. Students must be ranked in the top 5% of the merit list for the program in order to continue receiving 100% scholarships. For students to continue receiving a 50% scholarship, they must rank in the top 10% of the merit list for the program.

Amity University Mumbai Scholarships have been awarded to over 50,000 deserving students. Amity University has given meritorious students scholarships worth more than Rs. 50 crores over the years. Meanwhile, at Amity University, financial constraints cannot be allowed to limit career ambitions. As a result, the institution has partnered with premier banks to provide students with easy Education Loans.

As we know for the 2021 session. Amity University Admission 2021 for UG & PG Courses has begun. As a result, here are the full details available at Amity University Mumbai Scholarship, as well as fee waivers for deserving students and eligibility. In other words, the Amity Scholarship Scheme for Intellectual Empowerment. Many students aspire to attend the best university, but only a few are able to do so. This is the best opportunity for applicants to realize their dream, as amity university scholarships are awarded to students for a bright future. A merit-cum-scholarship is a scholarship provided by a college. It is given to first-year students who have a grade point average of more than 90% in their 12th grade.

Scholarships at the university are awarded to deserving students who have demonstrated academic excellence throughout their academic careers. Amity University Mumbai offers admission merit scholarships, merit scholarships, merit cum means scholarships, ex amity students scholarships, and sports scholarships. The scholarship amounts vary depending on the university’s scholarship programme. It usually ranges between 25% and 100% of tuition fees, depending on the previous qualifying examination results. At the time of enrollment, scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the admissions department. The scholarships will be renewed at the discretion of the Amity University Mumbai scholarship policy.

Amity University Mumbai scholarship Eligibility Criteria

100% Scholarship => 93 percent aggregate and above (excluding Physical Education/ Fine Arts/ Performing Arts/ vocational / non-written subjects) in CBSE / ISC / State Boards of Class XII and 80 percent in Graduation.

Scholarship worth 50%

=> 88 percent aggregate and above (excluding Physical Education/ Fine Arts/ Performing Arts/ Vocational / Non-Written Subjects) in CBSE / ISC / State Boards Class XII and 75 percent in Graduation.

A scholarship of 20% (only for MBA programmes)

=> CAT-85 percentile or higher/MAT score of 700 or higher

Meritorious students, as well as those with outstanding athletic achievements, are eligible for scholarships worth up to 100% of their tuition. The following information is provided about Amity University Mumbai scholarships:

Scholarships for undergraduate students:

Candidates with a 93 percent aggregate or higher (excluding Physical Education/ Fine Arts/ Performing Arts/ Vocational/ non-written subjects) in CBSE or ISC Board are eligible for a 100 percent scholarship.

Candidates with an 88 percent aggregate or higher (excluding Physical Education/ Fine Arts/ Performing Arts/ Vocational/ non-written subjects) in CBSE or ISC Board are eligible for a 50 percent scholarship.

Candidates with a 75 percent aggregate or higher (excluding Physical Education/ Fine Arts/ Performing Arts/ Vocational/ non-written subjects) in the State Board are awarded a 20 percent scholarship.

MBA scholarship:

Candidates who have received a minimum 90 percentile in CAT/ MAT or a minimum score of 650 in GMAT are eligible for a full scholarship.

Candidates who have obtained a minimum 85 percentile in CAT/ MAT or a minimum score of 600 in GMAT are eligible for a 50% scholarship.

Candidates who have obtained a minimum 75 percentile in CAT/ MAT or a minimum score of 450 in GMAT are eligible for a 25% scholarship.

Scholarship for postgraduate students:

Students who achieve 93 percent aggregate or higher (excluding Physical Education/ Fine Arts/ Performing Arts/ Vocational/ non-written subjects) in CBSE/ ISC Board Class 12 and 80 percent in graduation are eligible for a 100 percent scholarship.

Candidates with an 88 percent aggregate or higher (excluding Physical Education/ Fine Arts/ Performing Arts/ Vocational/ non written subjects) in CBSE/ ISC Board Class 12 and a 75 percent graduation rate are eligible for a 50 percent scholarship.

Aside from the scholarships mentioned above, the University also offers a few other scholarships, which are listed below:

Sports Scholarship: The University provides a fast-track admission option through sports scholarships. Amity provides a 50% scholarship to national players and a 100% scholarship to international players.

Martyr’s Scholarship: The University provides up to a 100 percent scholarship to selected students based on the scholarship committee’s scrutiny. Martyrs from any of the organizations listed below are eligible for this scholarship:

  • BSF (Border Security Force)
  • Assam Rifles
  • Special Frontier Force
  • ITBP (Indo-Tibetan Border Police)
  • CISF (Central Industrial Security Force)
  • SSB (Sashastra Seema Bal)
  • State Police
  • Army
  • Navy
  • Air force
  • Indian Coast Guard
  • CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force)

Amity University Raipur MBA Fees & Courses 2022

Amity University Raipur MBA Fees of 2022

Amity University Raipur Chhattisgarh recognized by UGC has been established in 2014. It’s thought of a personal university in Chhattisgarh. The varsity has been hierarchal seventy seven overall by IndiaToday 2021 and hierarchal at the thirty ninth position for Mass Communication by India Today 2021. It’s associate professional college of over one hundred fifty members.

The varsity is presently giving 40+ UG, PG, and Ph.D. level programs. the foremost in style programs offered square measure within the Engineering field followed by the Management courses. Admission to the B.Tech program is completed on the premise of JEE Mains/ Amity JEE or the other state-level examination. whereas for the Management program, scores obtained in CAT/ MAT/ GMAT or GRE square measure thought of. Check Amity University, Raipur Admission 2022

Amity University (MBA) Raipur Key Points for 2022:

Spread over a vicinity of fifty acres, Amity University, Raipur features a sprawling inexperienced field and first facilities.

Amity Raipur has collaborated with several foreign universities like city University Japan, University of Birmingham United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Monash University Australia, Claflin University USA, Ural State, University of economic science, Russia, etc.

Amity Raipur has extra one foreign language to its information. Students will select anyone language among French/German/Chinese/Japanese and Spanish.

The second hottest program of Amity University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh is Management. The program fee is agency one,16,000 annually.

Amity Raipur provides 100 percent placement help in leading firms like information Edge, ITC, Tata practice Services, DainikBhaskar cluster, HCL, Vedanta, CRISIL, GMR, etc.

The scholarship is obtainable to the scholars United Nations agency wish to pursue the Master in Business course from Amity University Raipur, Chhattisgarh. it’s offered supported scores obtained in CAT/MAT or GMAT. 100%, 50%, and twenty fifth scholarship is obtainable supported advantage.

The varsity has tie-ups with several firms like Oracle, Sun Microsystems, IBM to assist the scholars develop technical skills.

For temperament development, the university additionally offers training.

Read Amity University, Raipur Reviews

Amity University, Raipur Rankings

Amity University, Raipur has been hierarchal 77th overall by IndiaToday 2021

Ranked thirty ninth for Mass Communications by IndiaToday 2021

Ranked one hundred and fifteenth for Commerce by IndiaToday 2021

Ranked 151st for Master in Business by The Week 2020

Amity University, Raipur Courses & Fees

Amity University, Raipur offers varied courses at UG, PG, and student levels. a number of the courses offered by the varsity square measure tabulated below with their period, fees, eligibility details.

Amity Raipur Admission Process 2022: Fast Facts

The admission cycle for UG and PG courses offered by Amity University Raipur starts in January every year. Interested candidates can apply for the course of their interest in online and offline modes. Some of the fast facts related to Amity University Raipur admission process are mentioned below:

UG Courses

B.Tech admission is based on JEE Main, AMCAT or any other state-level entrance exam score.

Admission to BArch programme is based on marks scored in NATA

Apart from B.Tech and BArch, admission to UG courses is based on marks scored in Class 12

Admission to integrated courses is based o Class 12 marks

Candidates are required to submit a State of Purpose (SOP) video as a part of the admission process. Its duration should be one minute.

Final selection will be done based on a candidate’s performance in the SOP video

Lateral entry admissions are also offered for BTech programme

Candidates with 80 per cent aggregate or more in Class 12 board exam (CBSE/ISC/state board) can apply for direct admission (no selection process required)

PG Courses

For admission to MBA programme, a valid CAT, MAT, GMAT or GRE is required

Admission to a majority of PG courses is based on marks scored in graduation

Candidates are shortlisted for admission to PG courses based on their performance in the Skype interview round conducted by the University

PhD Courses

Admission to PhD programme is based on marks scored in the qualifying exam

Amity University Raipur Fees of 2022:

BBA2.2Lakhs(1st Year Fees)10+2 with 55%
B.Tech1.08Lakhs(1st Year Fees)10+2
MBA2.32Lakhs(1st Year Fees)Graduation with 50%
B.COM(H)54,000(1st Year Fees)10+2
BCA64,000(1st Year Fees)10+2
M.sc36,000(1st Year Fees)Graduation
B.A(Hons)50,000(1st Year Fees)10+2

Amity University Raipur MBA Cut-Offs Of 2022:

Section2021 (Cut-off by %ile)2022 (Cut-off by %ile)

Amity Raipur Placement Highlights 2022

The Amity Raipur MBA University is known for its placement assistance, brand value and ROI. Every year, over 1,000 students from Amity University are recruited by well-known companies. Mentioned below are Amity University Raipur placement highlights 2020

Amity University Raipur Infrastructure/Facilities Of 2022:

Highest salary package offeredRs.30LPA
Average salary package offeredRs.4.5LPA
Total number of companies visited525
Top recruitersDeloitte, Axis Bank and CEAT

Amity University Raipur Infrastructure/FacilitiesOf 2022:

HostelAmity university provides apartment-style accommodation facility with suites of bedrooms that share a common lounge and bathroom.The rooms are well-lit and well-ventilated, with geysers in every bathroom and TV set in the common room for entertainment. The university offers free laundry service.

Boys Hostel Shared Rooms In-Campus Hostel, Girls Hostel Shared Rooms In-Campus Hostel.
Sports ComplexAvailable Facilities: Tennis Court.
LabsAvailable Facilities: Chemistry Lab Computer Lab Electrical Lab Physics Lab Biotechnology Lab Media Lab Engineering Lab
Moot Court (Law)Design Studio,Library,Cafeteria,Gym
HospitalWi-Fi Campus, Auditorium, A/C Classrooms, Convenience Store

Amity University Raipur, MBA of 2022( Q&A)

1. Is Amity University Raipur good for MBA?

Ans. I am satisfied with the college because of its infrastructure and facilities. Placements: Around 85-90% of MBA students got placed in their desire companies. The highest salary package offered was around 8.5 LPA, and the average salary package offered was 5.5 LPA. The lowest salary package offered was 3 LPA.

2. What is the fees for MBA in Amity University?

Ans. The fee for MBA course is Rs. 7.67 lakhs. It offers MBA Courses in Marketing, Finance, International Business, Human Resources, Operations and Information Technology. Admission 2019 is currently open at Amity Global Business School, Noida.

3. Which Amity is best for MBA?

Ans. MBA, Campus Gurugram (Manesar), Institute Amity Business School, Gurgaon (Manesar), University Amity University Haryana.

4. Is Amity Raipur good for BBA?

Ans. Placements: Placements were good. The average salary package offered was 5 to 6 LPA. Common top roles offered were business development executive, customer support executive, sales executive, assistant trainees, and telesales executives. Almost 60-70% of the students got placed by the placement cell.

5. Is Amity Raipur good for B.Tech?

Ans. Amity, Raipur is the best university in Chhattisgarh. Quality reflects in everything. Placements: Many colleges guarantee placements, but Amity Raipur is one of the universities which provides placements. A number of companies visit our campus to recruit students.

6. Is Amity University very costly?

Ans. The fees of the college start from 2 lakh for the courses per annum. The university offers various programs for the students for graduation, postgraduate and doctoral programs including different law programs.

7. Does Amity need CAT for MBA?

Ans. Score of MAT – 550/GMAT – 450/ CMAT – 100 Or Percentile in CAT/XAT – 70 / NMAT – 50 Or Amity Written Test on the day of Interview. Candidate should have appeared in any of the above tests between September 2020 and May 2021 only.

8. How many government engineering colleges are there in Chhattisgarh?

Ans. The state has a total of 77 colleges offering the best and all kinds of engineering courses, including 60 private and 17 government colleges.