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LOR Samples | Letter of Recommendation Samples

When seeking to study abroad for a Master’s degree, a letter of recommendation (LOR) is a crucial part of the application process (MS). Your recommendation letter can determine whether you are accepted or not, regardless of whatever country, university, or programme you apply to.

Letter of Recommendation (LOR) types LOR Samples

LOR sample for UG Admissions

I have known (name of the student) to be one of the brightest students in both academics and extracurricular activities as the Headmister of the Senior Secondary Section, School, City. (Student Name) began attending our school in 2007 and has made an impression on all of the teaching members as well as myself. In his twelfth grade, I also had the opportunity to teach him Physics. I can categorise him as one of the most hardworking and serious students I have had the privilege to teach based on my observations in class and my interactions with him/her. Throughout his time at school, he has consistently excelled to the best of his ability and demonstrated remarkable quality in all of his studies.

(Student Name) is self-assured and has consistently exhibited a strong commitment to his or her education. At our school, he/she has always taken an active role in classroom debates and brainstorming sessions. Because (Student Name) believes that ideas come through brainstorming, he or she has always been the one to initiate such debates and conferences, resulting in a lively learning environment for the entire class. He and his five-person team even created a cutting-edge platform where students can publish and exchange academic difficulties and solutions. This platform resulted in more direct interactions between professors and students, as well as a healthier learning atmosphere in the classroom.

Aside from academics, (Student Name) is passionate about sports, particularly basketball, and has captained the school team in a variety of inter-school tournaments and contests. His/her dedication to his/her team and leadership skills have earned the school numerous awards throughout the years. And we are ecstatic to be able to call him/her our own.

To sum up, I’d want to underline (Student Namedesire )’s to excel in whatever he or she does, and I firmly feel that he or she is one of the best candidates for studying a course of his or her choice at your prestigious university. I am writing to express my unequivocal support for his/her candidacy for admission to the undergraduate programme. I am available to answer any additional questions you may have.

I wish him/her every success in their future pursuits.



School, City


LOR sample for MS

to whomever it may concern,

It gives me great pleasure to endorse XYZ’s application to your college for a Master’s degree in Computer Science. I am currently the Deputy Head of the ABC Institute’s Department of Information and Communication Technology. Even though I haven’t taught or supervised XYZ in over three years, I remember him for his original ideas that he demonstrated as a student.

He attended workshops and participated in technical events in addition to his academic work. In 2014, his passion for java programming earned him an award from our college’s Computer Science Club, KCES, in one of the hackathon events. He was also a member of the college’s techti Club, where he was interested in a variety of social concerns.

It comes as no surprise to me that he is still keen to pursue a Master’s in Computer Science after three years of professional work experience. I strongly advise XYZ to pursue his graduate studies at your university. His strong drive to study and explore will propel him forward in life. I wish XYZ good luck with his graduate studies.

If you have any questions about this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best, Signature-
Mobile Number-

Characteristics to include in an Academic LOR for MS

  • Outstanding achievement in subjects relevant to the applied programme
  • Worked on technical and research initiatives
  • Extracurricular accomplishments
  • If any research papers have been published in reputable journals,
  • Professional qualities and soft talents

LOR sample for MS from employer

I’m glad to write this recommendation in favour of Mr. XYZ, who worked at ABC company for three years and reported directly to me. I have over ten years of expertise delivering IT solutions in the advertising industry. XYZ joined our company as a recent college graduate and quickly adjusted to his new surroundings. As a python developer, he was quick to grasp work needs and handled with many process areas.

In addition, he worked directly with business analysts from onshore countries to acquire technical needs and deliver the necessary solutions on time. He used SAP Hana on Cloud/ BODS to construct Extraction, Transforming, and Loading task flows, as well as SQL views for data migration from one business to another owing to acquisitions. He was promoted from Associate to Analyst after his growing improvements, swift optimization of historic code, and display of emotional maturity were noticed.

His key assets were good interpersonal skills and an eagerness to learn about new things. At Royal Foundation (NGO) in Okhla, Delhi, which is affiliated with our organisation, he frequently held  workshops for impoverished youngsters, training them with essential IT skills

At your respected institution, XYZ would be a valuable asset. I’m convinced that he’ll succeed in any endeavour he pursues after completing his master’s programme, and I wish him the best of luck.

XYZ would be a valuable asset at your esteemed institution. I’m confident that, after completing his master’s programme, he’ll be successful in any endeavour he pursues, and I wish him the best of luck.

If you have any questions about this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best, Signature-
Mobile Number-

Characteristics to include in an Academic LOR for MS

  • Ability to work in a group
  • Expertise fields
  • Ability to solve problems
  • Process improvements or innovation
  • Leadership qualities

For an MS in Mechanical Engineering, a LOR sample is required.

The following attributes, similar to those highlighted in the LOR for MS in CS, may be included in the LOR for a student desiring to pursue MS in Mechanical Engineering:

1. Proficiency with a variety of professional instruments

2. Collaboration and adaptation

3. Design expertise

4.Analytical ideas expertise

5. Technical expertise

6. Problem-solving abilities, and so on

Example of LOR for a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering

Now, for a student interested in pursuing a master’s degree in civil engineering, the LOR should ideally highlight traits such as:

1. Curiosity and critical thinking

2. A inclination for creativity and imagination

3. A working knowledge of design and materials

4. Project management skills

5. Having a keen eye for detail

6. Ability to solve problems

Sample LOR for a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering

Students wishing to pursue a master’s degree in electrical engineering should emphasise qualities such as:

1. A thorough understanding of circuit design and schematics

2. Expertise in a variety of software and application

3. Logical and analytic reasoning

 4. Organizing abilities

 5. Problem-solving abilities that are complex

Most colleges that offer MS programmes require applicants to have some job experience prior to enrolling in their programmes. Employer letters of recommendation for MS must speak to the candidate’s flexibility in a demanding work environment, efficiency in addressing problems, proficiency in delivering on time, and willingness to work as a team member. Mentioning a positive attitude, strong communication skills, and a lovely personality can also assist the candidate stand out.

Sample LOR for a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering

  • The first and most serious error that everyone should avoid is copying and submitting a LOR from the internet. It is not only illegal, but it also lowers your chances of being admitted.
  • A qualified person should write the LOR. You cannot entrust the writing of a letter to your friends or relatives. It should be written by someone who is familiar with your academic background and achievements, as well as knowing you personally.
  • Spelling mistakes are the only thing that can damage your LOR, therefore make sure you proofread it before sending it to the authorities.
  • Make sure you include all necessary information in your LOR; failing to do so could result in your application being rejected.
  • Allow 2-3 weeks for the person to write the LOR, and give your recommender enough time. It’s possible that rushing things will damage your LOR.

LOR skills

There are various qualities that you can highlight in your letters of recommendation, and these skills can help you stand out from the crowd. Remember to apply some of these talents in your LOR rather than all of them.

  • Team player with the ability to complete tasks independently.
  • Communication and research abilities
  • Leadership Qualities
  • Social abilities
  • curricular and co-curricular activities

LOR suggestion

It is vital that you follow the LOR criteria and do not make any mistakes. Here are some general recommendations and LOR forms to consider while composing a LOR.

  • The LOR should not be written by hand.
  • The LOR font should be 11 points and black in colour.
  • Make sure there are no grammatical or spelling problems.
  • Do not go beyond the 500-600 word limit.
  • Don’t go overboard with your points.
  • If the university requires three letters of recommendation, make sure they are all diverse in content.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is it possible for a fellow student or colleague to provide a letter of recommendation for me?

Ans. No, a Letter of Recommendation must be written by a qualified individual. Universities scrutinise the designation of the person suggesting the candidate, and having it written by anyone else could compromise the admissions process.

Q. For the LOR, what kind of information does the recommender require from the candidate?

Ans. Before beginning to write a LOR, a recommender will need to gather all essential information on the candidate. Here are some important facts to remember:
1) The candidate’s personal information and contact information
2) Information about the university and programme you’ve chosen
3) The letter’s recipient’s name, title, and organisation 4) The recipient’s goals, aspirations, and future plans
5) A draught of the Statement of Purpose, as well as any other pertinent documents.
6) A reminder of the candidate’s interactions with the recommender.
7) An estimated deadline for submittal

Q. How many LORs does the university require?

Ans. Every university wants at least two letters of recommendation (LORs) from their applicants.

Q. What should LOR’s word count be?

Ans. The LOR should be between 500 and 600 words long.

Q. Why is a letter of recommendation required by a university?

Ans. Universities require a LOR in order to learn more about and comprehend the applicants. LOR also allows applicants to present their abilities and talents in the greatest possible light.

Q. Is it beneficial to add a personal touch to LOR?

Ans. Yes, by highlighting their personal and professional relationship with the applicant, recommenders can add a personal touch to the LOR.

Q. Is it appropriate to disclose grades or scores in the LOR?

Ans. You noted that on the application form and in your CV. Other traits can be mentioned instead of grades or scores.

Q. Is it okay if I ask my college principal to submit a letter of recommendation?

Ans. Yes, you can ask your college principal to write a reference letter for you, but he or she may not know you personally. It is preferable to inquire of your college lecturers.
We hope that our LOR samples have helped you understand how to write a LOR correctly. If you’re having problems writing your LOR, the specialists at Formsadda can assist you in crafting the perfect LOR that highlights all of your skills and aspirations in the most effective way possible. So that on your road to your desired college, no stone is left unturned.

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Recommendation letter for a student to study abroad sample

The institutions and organisations that seek the letter are usually looking for specific details about the applicant.

The following is the general format of a one-to-two-page letter:

  • Letterhead from the college/institute/committee.
  • The letter’s title and the address to which it is being sent.
  • Some background about the referee’s role and how well they know the applicant
  • Some background on your connection.
  • Specific student/employee successes that are directly relevant to the position/course being applied for.
  • An assessment of how well a student/employee responds to specific requests from a future employer/school/board.
  • A decisive declaration regarding the referee’s level of enthusiasm and support, as well as an encouragement to contact them for more information.

Letter of recommendation for higher studies

  • Make sure the referee has enough time to draught the LOR. Spend as much time as possible with your referee, assisting him or her with the inputs needed to compose the letter.
  • Choose a referee who is familiar with your academic and professional accomplishments and has known you for a long time, rather than someone who is unfamiliar with or uninterested in you.
  • Make sure the letter is written in clear, concise English. Make sure the letter is free of grammatical problems.
  • Also, while writing the LOR, make sure you use the correct format and typeface — every LOR must have the same basic structure, which includes the date and location, salutation, referee introduction, body of the LOR, conclusion paragraph, and signature.